Scothern Players 

Scothern Players are an amateur dramatics group based in Scothern. We welcome input from anyone who has an interest in all aspects of amateur dramatics - often there are more roles off stage than on stage (lighting, scenery, props, front of house etc etc).
We perform approx two productions every three years. For lots more info please visit our own website 

For information, please contact the secretary (Jonathan Backhouse) on 01673 861737

Founded in 1985 by Miss Mary Finlay, supported by her sister the late Miss Elsie Finlay, the chorale has grown to some 50 voices. We sing a variety of music, sacred and secular, along themes chosen by Mary for each of three concerts, generally held at Christmas (Carols by Candlelight), at Easter (Maundy Thursday) and in July (to coincide with St Germain's church's patronal festival and other village celebrations). Chorale practice takes place in church on Tuesday each week from 7.30pm  prompt until 9pm

Youth Activities

Scouting is open to any young person, both boys and girls.

The age ranges of the sections are as follows and all meet on Tuesday evenings at

Scothern Village Hall:

 Beavers - Age 6 to 8 yrs (17:30 to 18:30)

 Cubs - Age 8 to 10½ yrs (18:30 to 19:45)

 Scouts - Age 10½ to 14 yrs (19:45 to 21:00)

To see what scouting all about please have a look at the national Scout Association


If you would like to know more about joining, or helping as an adult please contact:

 Nick Cornwell-Smith, Group Scout Leader (otherwise known as Skip)

on 07824 995070 or e-mail: