September 2020 Agenda

A meeting of Scothern Parish Council will be held remotely on Wednesday 2nd September 2020 at 7.30pm.
Following the introduction of new legislation Councils are now able to hold their meetings remotely. The Parish Council will therefore be using Zoom online video conferencing to hold remote meetings, until further notice.
If you wish to attend the abovementioned remote meeting you will need to:
1) Email the Parish Clerk via no later than noon on Monday 31st August 2020, to advise. You will then be sent an email with a link to enable you to access this meeting.
2) You will also need to register with Zoom and download the relevant software/app onto your computer, phone or ipad, in advance of the meeting. To do this go to - press the ‘signup its free button’ and follow the onscreen guidance to register.
3) Approximately 10 minutes before the meeting is due to start, you should click the link detailed in the email sent to you from the Council. You may then be prompted to enter the User ID and password which will also be emailed to you.
Signed: L. Richardson
Clerk to the Council
21st August 2020
Housekeeping |
External Reports a) Police report b) District Councillor Report c) County Councillor Report |
Public Session |
Apologies for Absence: |
Declarations of Interest (Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary): |
Minutes of previous meetings
All |
Update Reports:
CJN Clerk Clerk CJN |
Council Functions:
All JLF Clerk/CJN |
Financial matters
Supplier Details Gross VAT Net Multidata (August) Broadband 38.92 0.00 38.92 Mrs L Richardson (August) Clerks Salary and Expenses 461.00 0.00 461.00 Glendale Grass Cutting 901.85 150.30 751.55 Time Assured Ltd Church Clock Repairs 780.00 130.00 650.00 PlayDays Play Area Equipment 5220.00 870.00 4350.00 Multidata (September) Broadband 38.92 0.00 38.92 Mrs L Richardson (September) Clerks Salary and Expenses 461.00 0.00 461.00 Mrs C. Nicoll Reimbursement for Community Award 100.00 4.76 95.24 Mrs P Sargeant Bus Shelter Cleaning 250.00 0.00 250.00 |
All All All All
Highways and Maintenance
Planning matters: - a) 141292 - Land adjacent to Ashlin Farm Barns, Ashing Lane, Dunholme - Planning application for the erection of 19no. holiday lets, proposed reception building, excavation of wildlife lake and associated landscaping – Undergoing public consultation. 141311 - 19 Heathlea Scothern - Planning application for conservatory on the side of dwelling – Undergoing public consultation. 141496 – 28 Sudbrooke Road – Planning application for two storey side extension – to discuss and submit any comments to WLDC. b) To receive an update regarding the Community Infrastructure Levy on the development on Langworth Road. |
CJN/Clerk |
Field paths
BP |
– To receive update report
Correspondence – for information only
Clerk |
Next meetings
All |