March 2020 Minutes


A meeting of Scothern Parish Council took place on Wednesday 11th March 2020 in the Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern.

Present:    Cllrs J Fotheringham (JLF) (Vice-Chair), D Canton (DC), B Patchett (BP) and G Wiswould (GW)

In attendance:    District Councillor Bob Waller and 1 member of the public

Clerk - Mrs L Richardson





External Reports

  1. Police report – None received
  2. District Councillor Report
  • WLDC  budget was put to full WLDC council meeting and agreed on 2nd March 2020. 
  • Council tax has been kept at a rise of around 2%, which is the lowest in the area
  • £870,000 has been put into a contingency fund for emergencies such as flooding.
  • Some money has been taken out of the reserves to enable green waste to be collected an additional twice per year at no extra cost to the public.
  •  group of WLDC staff visiting all the Primary Schools in the area to educate pupils on recycling.
  • Sudbrooke Neighbourhood Plan has been agreed and adopted at WLDC council meeting on 2nd March 2020.
  • £355.50 has been awarded to Scothern Parish Council from the District Councillor Initiative fund towards the new information boards in the old phone box.
  • WLDC lottery started this week – further advertising will take place in the near future.
  1. County Councillor Report – None received






Public Session – It has been rumoured that Stagecoach is looking to cancel the early morning and late afternoon buses that students and employees rely on to get to and from the village to Lincoln.  Could the Council make representation to see if this is true and if so, try to get a replacement by CallConnect.



Apologies for Absence: Proposed Cllr Patchett, seconded Cllr Canton and agreed by all to accept apologies and reasons for absence from Cllr Mrs Nicoll.



Declarations of Interest (Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary): None



Minutes of previous meetings

  1. Notes of the Council Meeting held on 5th February 2020 – to receive, approve and sign as minutes – Proposed Cllr Patchett, seconded Cllr Canton and agreed by all that the notes of the last meeting be approved and signed by the Chair.



Update Reports:  

  1. To receive an update regarding the Community Speed Initiative – No sessions have taken place over the last month due to adverse weather conditions.  Storage box has now been secured to the wall in the Village Hall and a key holder list has been produced.  Cllr Canton will forward this list to the Clerk to advise the Village Hall committee.
  2. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding bus services in the village – No action is currently needed.  The issue raised in the public session will be monitored and dealt with as and if it becomes official.






Council Functions:

  1. Playpark – To discuss and take any necessary action regarding email from Scothern Recreation Centre reference the surplus play area funds held – Proposed Cllr Wiswould, seconded Cllr Patchett and agreed by all to accept a quote from Playdays for a wooden fort and slide totalling £4350.  £2259 will come from money being held by Scothern Recreation Centre on behalf of the Parish Council and the remaining £2091 will be earmarked from the surplus Community Fund budget to the Play Area reserved funds.  This is subject to a picture of the equipment being received prior to placing the order.
  2. To agree and adopt the Data Breach Policy – Proposed Cllr Canton, seconded Cllr Wiswould and agreed by all to adopt the Data Breach Policy.


 Meeting Closed: 20:53