December 2020 Notes

Notes of a meeting of Scothern Parish Council held remotely on Wednesday 2nd December 2020 at 7.30pm.
Present: Councillors Mrs C Nicoll (Chair), D Canton, J Fotheringham, B Patchett, G Wiswould,
Also Present: District Councillor Bob Waller
In attendance: Clerk, Mrs Laura Richardson
97.20 Housekeeping
98.20 External Reports
a) Police Update: no report received. Noted reports will only be received in the future when there is something of note to report.
b) District Councillor Report: Leaders panel – trying to cap an increase in rates next year to 2% which is a lot lower than other bodies. Noted review of Central Lincolnshire Local Plan could have resulted in Sudbrooke status being changed to a large village, luckily this has been argued against and it will remain as a medium village.
Cllr Fotheringham raised a planning query relating to Deers Leap appearing to be installing a fence close up to the beck at the rear of their development, when there should be a six metre easement gap between Plot 8 boundary and the beck to comply with the planning approval. Cllr Waller to take this up on behalf of the Parish Council.
c) County Councillor Report: Given over the telephone prior to the meeting:
The Sudbrooke Road footpath query regarding widening the path between Scothern and Sudbrooke has been passed onto the relevant department and Cllr Mrs Rawlins is still awaiting a reply.
Covid-19; LCC leaders have written to Matt Hancock (Secretary of State for Health) advising of dismay at the whole of Lincolnshire being placed in a tier 3, when it is believed the county should have been divided up into different tiers.
99.20 Public Session - no members of the public present.
100.20 Apologies for Absence - Received from County Cllr Sue Rawlins.
101.20 Declarations of Interest (Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary): None given
102.20 Minutes of previous meetings
Notes of the Council Meeting held on 4th November 2020 – to receive, approve and sign as minutes; Proposed Cllr Canton, seconded Cllr Wiswould and agreed by all to sign the notes of the last meeting as a true record.
103.20 Update Reports:
a) To receive an update regarding the Community Speed Initiative – The volunteers are now out again following the most recent Covid-19 lockdown.
b) To receive, discuss and decide quotations for the purchase of a speed indicator sign – This was deferred to a future meeting to allow further investigation of costs and locations.
ACTION: Cllr Canton to further investigate and present a report to the next meeting
c) To receive an update regarding the annual Christmas event – Due to Covid-19 restrictions the normal Christmas event was not held. Cllr Mrs Nicoll and Mrs Scott, Headteacher, Ellison Boulters Academy switched the lights on and this was streamed live on Facebook for residents and school pupils to watch either live or at a later time. It currently has over 650 views.
104.20 Council Functions:
a) Playpark – To receive and decide upon quotes for maintenance work required to the play area as stated in the annual play area inspection report – Cllr Fotheringham and the Clerk will look through the maintenance report and highlight the most important work for completion. Quotation to be considered at future meeting.
ACTION – Cllr Fotheringham and the Clerk to review the inspection report.
b) To review the Councils Standing Orders and Financial Regulations – Deferred to the next meeting to allow Councillors more time to read.
105.20 Financial matters
a) Current financial statement - Proposed Cllr Wiswould, seconded Cllr Canton and agreed by all to accept the current financial statement. The Clerk was asked to analyse the budget to ascertain if there is any budgeted monies that will not be spent before the financial year end to assess the projected surplus for the financial year 2020/21.
ACTION: Clerk to analyse financial records and present a full picture of financial position showing all projected expenditure and balances to the end of the financial year.
b) To resolve to renew the Council’s Microsoft Office 365 subscription – Proposed Cllr Wiswould, seconded Cllr Fotheringham and agreed by all to purchase Microsoft 365. Clerk will purchase the software and be reimbursed.
c) To review the annual audit process for 2019-20 – Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Canton and agreed by all that the audit process for 2019-20 was acceptable and no issues were raised.
d) Invoices for payment to be agreed – Proposed Cllr Wiswould, seconded Cllr Fotheringham and agreed by all to make the following payments:
Supplier Details Gross VAT Net
Multidata (October) Broadband 38.92 0.00 38.92
Mrs L Richardson (October) Clerks Salary, broadband/
Use of house as office 475.43 0.00 475.43
Mrs L Richardson Postage Costs 9.82 0.00 9.82
TDP Limited Grange Park Benches 1533.02 255.50 1277.52
B.R. Patchett PAT Testing costs 10.00 0.00 10.00
Mrs P Sargeant Bus Shelter Cleaning 250.00 0.00 250.00
Rudies Roots Winter planters 548.40 91.40 457.00
Mrs C Myers Clerks Cover costs 46.12 0.00 46.12
106.20 Highways and Maintenance
a) Update report – Cllr Fotheringham reported the following
- Lincolnshire County Council Enforcement Order placed on Limetree Paddock hedge to reduce width to prevent hinderance to pedestrians using the footpath.
- The cycle path to Sudbrooke is still narrow, therefore Cllr Fotheringham has approached the County Council for assistance to widen the path.
- Some tarmac repairs have taken place in the village, a number have also been reported.
- Clerk to chase up the Beck maintenance work required with 3rd Witham Upper Drainage Board.
ACTION: Clerk to contact 3rd Witham Upper Drainage Board
- A number of lorries are still using the village as a run through instead of using the main route A158/A46 – this has been reported to Lincolnshire County Council.
- Verge adjacent to the footpath on the western side of Sudbrooke Road to Sudbrooke has been cut back. Noted quote has been received for cutting the hedge back for £345; Clerk will forward this to Sudbrooke Parish Council for discussion and agreement to meet 50% of these costs. This quote to be accepted providing Sudbrooke Parish Council will meet half of the cost.
b) To receive a request to continue the grass cutting at St Germain’s church for 2021-22 – Proposed Cllr Mrs Nicoll, seconded Cllr Fotheringham and agreed by all to continue cutting St Germains churchyard for 2021-22.
c) To receive a request to continue the grass cutting at the Village Hall for 2021-22 - Proposed Cllr Mrs Nicoll, seconded Cllr Fotheringham and agreed by all to continue cutting the village hall field for 2021-22.
d) To note ground works contract tenders have been sent out – deadline for receipt 15th December 2020
e) To receive an update regarding the “widenmypath” initiative – Covered in agenda item 106.20a.
107.20 Planning matters: -
a) 141579 – Hall Farm, West Drive, Sudbrooke – Planning application for erection of agricultural storage building – Granted
b) To discuss and claim CIL payment in respect of the additional dwelling to be erected on the Dunholme Road development – due for payment in 2021.
108.20 Field paths
- To discuss any maintenance due to the village field paths – noted overhanging tree causing obstruction on field footpath Scth/1025/1 (to the rear of Juniper Drive) and potential injury to walkers. Clerk to contact Lincolnshire County Council Footpaths Officerfor advice regarding removal of the overhanging branches.
ACTION: Clerk to contact LCC Footpaths Office.
109.20 Reports – to receive update reports:
a) Grange Park
- The new benches have been ordered and delivery is expected shortly.
- An application has been submitted to the Lincolnshire Co-Op Community Champions initiative for funding for the area.
b) Scothern Recreation Centre and Spirit of Scothern
- No meeting has been held as the hall is still closed, therefore, no update
110.20 Correspondence – for information only
- Scothern Parish Magazine – request for comments of future of the magazine
- Lincolnshire County Council – Update regarding reduced bus service
- LALC – Various newsletters and updates
- WLDC – Notification to request up to date Electoral Register
- PKF Littlejohn LLP – Notification of finalised external audit for 2019-20
111.20 Next meeting
- Wednesday 6th January 2021, 7.30pm, to be held remotely via zoom
Meeting closed: 20:24