June 2021 Agenda

A meeting of Scothern Parish Council will take place on Wednesday 30th June 2021 at 7.45pm at The Village Hall, Main Street, Scothern
Signed: L. Richardson
Clerk to the Council
23rd June 2021
1) Housekeeping (All)
2) External Reports (All)
a) Police Update
b) District Councillor Report
c) County Councillor Report
5) Public Session (All)
6) Apologies for Absence: (All)
7) Declarations of Interest (Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary): (All)
8) Minutes of previous meetings
a) Notes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 5th May 2021 – to receive, approve and sign as minutes (All)
b) Notes of the Council Meeting held on 5th May 2021 – to receive, approve and sign as minutes (All)
9) Update Reports:
a) To receive an update regarding the Community Speed Initiative (DC)
b) Playpark – To receive an update regarding the maintenance of the village play area (JLF)
c) To receive and decide upon quotes to undertake the annual play area inspection (All)
d) To receive an update regarding the best garden competition
10) Council Functions:
a) To resolve that the Parish Council delegates authority to the Clerk/RFO in consultation with the Chairman/Vice-Chairman to suspend any relevant Standing Order or Financial Regulation as necessary ,to ensure the smooth running and operation of the Council and to undertake day to day duties to minimise disruption to service provision and ensure business continuity during the summer break.
b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the reinstatement of public transport.
c) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Consultation.
d) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Neighbourhood Plan review.
11) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding possible smoke nuisance from Scothern Nurseries.
12) Financial matters
a) Current financial statement (All)
b) To approve and sign the 2020-21 Annual Governance statements.
c) To approve and sign the 2020-21 Annual Accounts Statements.
d) To receive and decide upon a request for a financial donation towards electrical work required to the recreation centre.
e) Invoices for payment to be agreed (All)
- See attached list to ratify payments made since last meeting
Supplier | Detail | Gross | VAT | Net |
Redfearns | Grange Park Maintenance | 80.00 | 0.00 | 80.00 |
Multidata (July) | Broadband | 38.92 | 0.00 | 38.92 |
Mrs L Richardson (July) | Clerks salary and expenses | 471.53 | 0.00 | 471.53 |
13) Highways and Maintenance
a) Update report (JLF)
b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding a request from Scothern St Germains Church to undertake further grass cutting measures in the churchyard.
14) Drainage
a) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding drainage and management scheme for
- Saxon Fields (Management Scheme and drainage)
- Craypool Lane (Drainage)
b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding drainage issues on Sudbrooke Road.
15) Planning matters: -
a) 142676 – Chesterwood, 30 Main Street – Planning application for external timber cladding new doors and windows and other internal alterations – Granted
b) 142755 – 20 Heathlea – Planning application for replacement garage to the side – Granted
c) 142777 – Land adj. The Croft, 22 Dunholme Road – Planning application to convert and extend garage to form 1no. dwelling – (Councillors consulted via email, appropriate comments were submitted to WLDC) – Refused
d) 143116 – 12 The Alders – Planning application for proposed extensions and alterations to existing dwelling – discuss and submit comments to WLDC.
e) To receive an update regarding the planning contravention of the planning application for plot 8 of the Deers Leap, Dunholme Road development.
f) To receive an update regarding the planning contraventions of the planning application for Mark Harris Commercials Ltd development.
16) Field paths
- To discuss any maintenance due to the village field paths (BP)
17) Reports – to receive update reports:
a) Grange Park (CJN)
- To receive an update regarding work to the boundary trees of Grange Park and Barbers Farm.
- To receive an update from the working group
b) Scothern Recreation Centre and Spirit of Scothern – receive update report (JLF)
18) Correspondence – for information only
- LALC – Various newsletters
- Barbers Farm – Reply to Parish Council letter regarding trees bordering Grange Park
- Central Lincs – Details of advance warning for Central Lincolnshire Local Plan consultation
- Lincolnshire County Council – Update regarding the new A46 roundabout
- Zurich Insurance – Annual Council insurance documents
19) Next meeting – Wednesday 1st September 2021 at 7.30pm, to be confirmed