December 2018 Minutes
Scothern Parish Council
4th December 2018 19.30hrs Scothern Methodist Chapel
Councillors: Cathryn Nicoll (Chair), Louise Mumford, Melanie Tointon, Barnaby Patchett.
WLDC – Councillor Bob Waller
9 Members of the public.
Note Taker - Mrs Linda Blankley
175.18 Housekeeping
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and advised housekeeping arrangements to observe as necessary.
176.18 External Reports
a) Police report – the PCSO not present but had provided a report to the Chair. Issues with parking adjacent to the school was being tackled by the issuing of letters and physical presence at appropriate times to remind those collecting children in vehicles. Three reports of concern had been received and investigated within the village.
b) District Councillor Report - Bob Waller – reported that business was quiet at Gainsborough currently. He reported that the development Off Dunholme Road was not on the next Planning Committee Agenda and it was thought that it would be discussed in January 2019. He was paying close attention to comments that had been lodged as a member of the Planning Committee.
c) County Councillor Report - Sue Rawlins – not present
The Chair welcomed, introduced and thanked Mrs Linda Blankley who was taking notes at the meeting in the absence of Scothern Parish Clerk.
177.18 Public Session – The Chair suggested that given the number of residents present at the meeting that additional time would be required, and it was agreed by members present that this was in order to a limit of 20:00.
The following issues /points were raised:
1) Northing Lane Resident 1 –
a) Why was the questionnaire regarding the grant request for £10,000 for the Village Hall Kitchen not discussed with the SRC resulting in a poll lost by 6 votes? It was felt that some residents had misunderstood that the equipment was moveable and could be transferred to a new Hall if necessary.
b) Can the Parish Council Policies be changed to allow Members of the Public to address comments during a meeting that were not correct?
2) Local Resident Vicarage Lane – Queried the condition of the current kitchen equipment?
3) Sudbrooke Road Resident 1 – Stated that they felt that the Leaflet was clear.
4) Chair of Village Hall Committee –
a) Why did the Parish Council go outside of their grants policy to determine the Village Hall request and not deal with as other applicants? Other applications had not been subject to a public vote and this amounted to maladministration.
b) It was felt that matters on the form were misunderstood by residents about the £30 required.
c) Openness – the public result was not revealed before the Closed Session
d) Why was the Kinch Development application dealt with at the Budget and Precept Meeting when it was policy to deal with such matters at a full Council meeting?
e) Why did the Parish Council not convene a Public Meeting to discuss the matter and gather views?
f) Had the Chair mislead Councillors regarding the Planning Application and the receipt of a unilateral agreement by Consultees?
g) Raised the possibility that the council was acting ultra vires and that the Minutes of the previous two meetings should not be signed on this basis.
5) Sudbrooke Road Resident 2 –
a) Thanked the Council for consulting the residents regarding the grant request.
b) Queried whether new equipment was required, or the current items serviced?
6) Sudbrooke Road Resident 1 – asked whether there were any objections to the referendum taking place? In response the Chairman of Village Hall Committee queried whether they had been treated fairly and challenged the requirement for a referendum. He confirmed that the equipment was 20 years old, was not hygienic and the lack of catering equipment was limiting lettings.
7) Northing Lane Resident 2 – application Off Dunholme Road queried the necessity of including mention of ridge and furrow in the Parish response and the support for a previous application.
8) Langworth Road Resident 1 – sought clarification in relation to the proposed Dunholme Road development and the offer of £150,000 payment to the revitalisation of the Village Hall fund.
9) Northing Lane Resident 1 – the Village Hall is losing money and if it closes the car park would be lost together with the play equipment and the Hall itself. As the Village Hall is a charity it would be necessary to sell the site on the open market for the highest price that could possibly mean for housing.
10) Northing Lane Resident 2 – queried previous planning appeal and statements regarding the Scothern Village Plan.
This section of the meeting closed at 19.58hrs
178.18 Apologies for Absence:
Proposed by Cllr Tointon, seconded by Cllr Mumford and RESOLVED by vote of members that apologies be accepted for valid reason from Cllr Fotheringham.
179.18 Declarations of Interest (Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary):
Cllr Mumford declared that she was a member of Spirit of Scothern and a Trustee of the Village Hall.
180.18 Minutes of previous meetings
a) It was proposed by Cllr Tointon, seconded by Cllr Mumford and RESOLVED by vote of the Council that the Notes of the meeting held on 7th November 2018 were received, approved and signed as the minutes.
b) It was proposed by Cllr Tointon, seconded by Cllr Patchett and RESOLVED by vote of the Council that the Notes of the meeting held on 22nd November 2018 were received, approved and signed as the minutes.
181.18 Update Reports:
a) Future use of BT phone box – Cllr Mumford confirmed that she and Cllr Tointon would be meeting on 6/12/18 to finalise the text for information boards.
Action: LM/MT
b) Noted that the school was in the process of obtaining a quote for car park lighting and an additional quote to extend the power supply to the wall outside of the gate for the 2nd village defibrillator to be positioned. It was noted that the Parish Council would need to meet this additional cost estimated at £400.
Action: JF
c) Chair confirmed that a meeting had taken place on 30/11/2018 with SRC. Cllr Tointon reported that Cllr Fotheringham had suggested a cheaper build. She also proposed that retained funds from the Neighbourhood Plan could be used towards the Village Hall request. Cllr Mumford commented that it was an unfortunate situation with the Village Hall. The Chair clarified that the inclusion of a £10,000 grant in the precept for 2019/20 would have meant an increase of 62.02%. It was proposed by Cllr Nicoll, seconded by Cllr Patchett and RESOLVED by vote of the Council that the allocation / virement of current funds would be considered at the January meeting.
d) Chair confirmed that the LCC Licence was still awaited regarding the erection of a bus shelter on Dunholme Road.
Action: Clerk
182.18 Council Functions:
a) Council Vacancies – The Chair confirmed that no applications had been received. It was noted that a member of public present stated that he had sent an email application that day to the Chair. The Chair confirmed that an application with supporting reasons would be required in a timely manner to be considered. She also confirmed that Elections would be held in May 2019.
Action: All
b) Playpark
- Cllr Mumford confirmed that the ROSPA inspection had now taken place and that the report was still awaited before any necessary action regarding maintenance required to the playpark could be taken.
Action: LM
- Cllr Mumford confirmed that the chicken rocker feature was missing and that she had undertaken to source a suitable replacement relevant to the parish with an agricultural theme. It was agreed that the supplier would need to communicate with the installer to establish the correct requirements of the fittings and price. Chair made members aware that some quotes had already been received. It was agreed that quotes would be considered at the next meeting of the Council.
- Chair confirmed that the liability sign had now been installed.
c) It was noted that there was no update on the related equipment for the Speed Initiative.
Action: JLF
d) Members discussed communication with electors and confirmed that current methods include Parish Magazines, Notice Boards and the Website. The use of social media was broached, and it was agreed that Cllr Tointon would contact North Hykeham Town Council and other local parishes and report back to the next meeting.
Action: Clerk/MT
183.18 Financial matters
a) Current financial statement
The Chair queried a donation of £250 that was not yet showing in the accounts. Proposed Cllr Tointon, seconded by Cllr Patchett it was RESOLVED by vote that the statement was accepted.
Action: Clerk
b) On a proposal by Cllr Patchett, seconded by Cllr Mumford it was RESOLVED by vote of the Council to approve the following Invoices for payment (all excluding VAT where appropriate)
- Mrs L Richardson – Clerks Salary including use of home as office and telephone/broadband costs - £448.52
- Multidata – Broadband Charges - £38.92
- Rudies Roots – Winter planters - £423
- Hallmarque – Christmas light PAT test - £10
- Mrs C Nicoll – Section 104 reimbursement - £24.56
- Glendale – Grass cutting – 402.12
Action: All
184.18 Highways and Maintenance
a) It was noted that offlet rodding on Main Street as far as Northing Lane by Lincolnshire County Council had been unsuccessful and would now require jetting.
Action: JLF
b) Clerk was asked to forward a request to LCC for the consideration of the provision of a grit bin at the end of Heath Road for the village. Clerk
Action: Clerk
185.18 Planning matters – the following were noted -
a) 136316 – Land adj. to South Dene - proposal to discharge conditions in relation to application number 131757 granted on 15 May 2015 – Undergoing public consultation.WLDC Cllr Waller to get an update on this application.
Action: Clerk/All
b) 138272 – St Lukes Private Nursing Home – Planning application for removal of existing conservatory and extension to provide 3no. bedrooms – Granted
c) 138423 – Land at Dunholme Road - Planning application for change of use of agricultural land to domestic garden area for dwellings on adjacent approved housing development – Granted
d) 138563 – Land off Dunholme Road – Outline planning application to erect 6no. dwellings with all matters reserved – resubmission of application 136737 – Undergoing public consultation – should be considered by WLDC at January Planning Committee meeting.
186.18 Fieldpaths
- Cllr Patchett confirmed that there were no issues regarding maintenance of the village fieldpaths.
- The Chair confirmed that LCC had confirmed that fieldpaths 149 and 153 did not meet their criteria for surfacing treatment and that they would require future consideration.
Action: Clerk
187.18 Reports
a) Grange Park – nothing to report since the last meeting.
Action: MT
b) Scothern Recreation Centre and Spirit of Scothern – Cllr Mumford gave a report outlining activities that were running and planned such as Flix in the Sticks and revealed costs and sources of income. Further details of how new initiatives were providing ring fenced funds for future development and that existing activities were being used for day to day maintenance. It was reiterated that the Village Hall was a needed facility and that everyone should work together.
Action: LM
The Chairman of the Village Hall Committee was allowed to speak by the Chair and confirmed that the Spirit of Scothern was a Sub Committee to raise funds for a new or refurbished Village Hall. The group would also be looking for grant funding in addition to the Kinch Development funds.
188.18 Compliance – none
Action: Clerk
189.18 Correspondence – for information only
- SRC – Request for a meeting regarding financial position – a meeting was held on 30/11/2018.
- WLDC – Election cost notice – a schedule of charges had been provided and that there would be a cost for the Elections due in 2019 whether the seats were contested or not. Clerk
Action: Clerk
190.18 Next meeting
Monthly Meeting 2nd January 2019 at 7:30pm at the Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern.
The Chair wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
The meeting closed at 20.50hrs