June 2021 Minutes

Scothern Parish Council
A meeting of Scothern Parish Council was held on Wednesday 30th June 2021 in Scothern Recreation Centre
Present: Cllrs Mrs C Nicoll (CJN)(Chair), R Creaser (RC), J Fotheringham (JLF) Vice-Chair, B Patchett (BRP) and D Canton (DC)
In attendance: District Councillor Bob Waller
Clerk, Mrs L Richardson
85.21 Housekeeping - given by Cllr Mrs Nicoll
86.21 External Reports
a. Police Update – No report received
b. District Councillor Report
- Guildhall at Gainsborough now being used for face to face meetings; however too small for full council meetings therefore the Epic Centre at the showground has to be used.
- Covid figures for the district – 35 new confirmed cases (13.3% increase), 35.5/100,000 and so is still below the national average. There has been an increase in younger age groups, particular 4-24 year olds. No patients in Lincolnshire and no deaths in WL. Updated vaccination figures not known due to a national IT issue.
- Central Lincolnshire Local Plan – consultation period now open and Parish Councils are actively encouraged to take part.
- WL has applied for £17 million of national funds available to increase infrastructure, bus routes, maintenance etc.
- Annual constitution review has been approved by District Council. A main point is that Parish Councils can now request any planning application be called in for determination by the Planning Committee.
c. County Councillor Report – sent via email prior to the meeting
- The improvement work to Pelham Bridge is ongoing.
- Litter picking kits can be reserved by calling 01522 552222
- Trading standards have been targeting cold calling hotspots between 14th and 18th June.
- The Falls Response unit has been launched in the County for people who need urgent care after falling.
87.21 Public Session
No public in attendance
88.21 Apologies
Apologies received from County Councillor Sue Rawlins.
89.21 Declarations of Interest (Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary):
None declared
90.21 Minutes of previous meetings
a) Notes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 5th May 2021 – to receive, approve and sign as minutes
Proposed Cllr Creaser seconded Cllr Fotheringham and agreed by all to sign the notes of the Annual Parish Meeting as a true record.
b) Notes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 5th May 2021 – to receive, approve and sign as minutes
Proposed Cllr Creaser, seconded Cllr Canton and agreed by all to sign the notes of the last meeting as a true record.
91.21 Update Reports:
a) To receive an update regarding the Community Speed Initiative
- The new speed sign has been installed and appears to be very effective to traffic coming into the village; noted speeds of vehicles leaving village also recorded.
- An invoice has been received for the sign and presented for payment.
- Cllr Creaser gave an analysis of vehicle numbers entering and leaving village and vehicle speeds – some excessive.
b) Playpark – To receive an update regarding the maintenance of the village play area
Noted work should be completed before the school holidays.
c) To receive and decide upon quotes to undertake the annual play area inspection
Proposed Cllr Patchett, seconded Cllr Fotheringham and agreed by all to accept quotation in the sum of £100 from RoSPA to undertake the annual play area inspection.
Cllr Fotheringham or Cllr Mrs Nicoll would like to be present at the inspection if possible.
Action: Clerk to arrange
d) To receive an update regarding the best garden competition
Judging has started and is ongoing.
92.21 Council Functions:
a) To resolve that the Parish Council delegates authority to the Clerk/RFO in consultation with the Chair/Vice-Chair to suspend any relevant Standing Order or Financial Regulation as necessary ,to ensure the smooth running and operation of the Council and to undertake day to day duties to minimise disruption to service provision and ensure business continuity during the summer break.
Proposed Cllr Patchett, seconded Cllr Canton and agreed by all to delegate powers to the Clerk/RFO in consultation with Chair/Vice Chair to make decisions, if necessary, over the summer recess to ensure smooth running of the Council.
b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the reinstatement of public transport
The Clerk to seek information from Lincolnshire County Council in relation to bus services to the village.
Action: Clerk
c) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Consultation
The Consultation opens on 30th June 2021 until 24th August 2021 at 23.59. Cllr Fotheringham is happy to take the lead on obtaining and compiling comments on behalf of the Council. A special meeting to be called end of July/early August to discuss a formal response.
d) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Neighbourhood Development Plan review
Noted Review of the Neighbourhood Development Plan is now due.
Proposed Cllr Creaser, seconded Cllr Patchett and agreed by all to reconstitute the Neighbourhood Development Plan Group with Cllrs Mrs Nicoll and Fotheringham together with Melanie Tointon and Ruth Northeast as the only members of the original group still in the village. Information to be placed on website, FaceBook page and parish magazine to seek additional group members.
Action: Clerk/Chair
Agreed Luke Brown (previously employed by WLDC and now freelancing) be engaged to assist with the Review including making grant aid applications.
93.21 To discuss and take any necessary action regarding possible smoke nuisance from Scothern Nurseries
District Cllr Waller has investigated the background of this issue – communications with WLDC ongoing.
94.21 Financial matters
a) Current financial statement
Proposed Cllr Creaser, seconded Cllr Patchett and agreed by all to approve the current financial statement subject to amendments pointed out by Cllr Creaser.
Action: Clerk
b) To approve and sign the 2020-21 Annual Governance statements
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Patchett and agreed by all to approve and sign the 2020-21 Annual Governance Statements.
c) To approve and sign the 2020-21 Annual Accounts Statements
Proposed Cllr Canton, seconded Cllr Fotheringham and agreed by all to approve and sign the 2020-21 Annual Accounts Statements.
Cllr Creaser abstained from the vote as he joined the Council during the year and has not been involved with 2020/21 financial matters.
d) To receive and decide upon a request for a financial donation towards electrical work required to the recreation centre
No official grant application form has been received.
e) Invoices for payment to be agreed
Proposed Cllr Patchett, seconded Cllr Fotheringham and agreed by all to make the following payments.
See attached list for payments during the break in meetings due to Covid-19 restrictions
Supplier Detail Gross VAT Net
Redfearns Grass Cuttng Grange Park Orchard 80.00 0.00 80.00
Multidata (July) Broadband 38.92 0.00 38.92
Mrs L Richardson (July) Clerks salary and expenses 471.53 0.00 471.53
Received after the agenda was published but is expected expenditure (to be ratified at next meeting:
ElanCity Speed Signs 2929.21 489.87 2449.34
95.21 Highways and Maintenance
a) Update report
- The noticeboard provision by Deers Leap Developments at the new bus shelter is ongoing.
- Various potholes around the village have been filled.
- The cycle path on Sudbrooke Road still requires maintenance – this is ongoing. Agreed Cllr Fotheringham escalate the matter further at LCC if response not received imminently.
- The condition of Dunholme Road has been reported on numerous occasions – As no action has been taken, agreed Cllr Fotheringham to escalate this further at LCC..
b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding a request from Scothern St Germains Church to undertake further grass cutting measures in the churchyard
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Canton and agreed by all that Clerk contact Glendale to request arisings are blown away/or removed.
Action : Clerk
96.21 Drainage
a) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding drainage and management scheme for
- Saxon Fields (Management Scheme and drainage)
A management group has now been set up by residents to undertake maintenance of communal areas.
Noted agency meeting to be arranged via Anglian Water to discuss ongoing situation in relation to the SUDS.
- Craypool Lane (Drainage)
The Clerk will contact Cllr Mrs Rawlins regarding this matter.
Action: Clerk
b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding drainage issues on Sudbrooke Road
This matter is progressing well – further information will be published once finalised.
97.21 Planning matters: -
a) 142676 – Chesterwood, 30 Main Street – Planning application for external timber cladding new doors and windows and other internal alterations – Granted
b) 142755 – 20 Heathlea – Planning application for replacement garage to the side – Granted
c) 142777 – Land adj. The Croft, 22 Dunholme Road – Planning application to convert and extend garage to form 1no. dwelling – Councillors consulted via email, appropriate comments were submitted to WLDC) – Refused
d) 143116 – 12 The Alders – Planning application for proposed extensions and alterations to existing dwelling – discuss and submit comments to WLDC – Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Canton and agreed by all to support this application.
e) To receive an update regarding the planning contravention of the planning application for plot 8 of the Deers Leap, Dunholme Road development – WLDC enforcement officer is actioning this with the owners of the house as once sold the remit falls to them and not the developer. No action is required by the Parish Council and can be removed from future agendas.
f) To receive an update regarding the planning contraventions of the planning application for Mark Harris Commercials Ltd development – This matter is still ongoing with WLDC enforcement officers. No further action can be taken by the Parish Council, and can therefore be removed from future agendas.
98.21 Field paths
To discuss any maintenance due to the village field paths - no action currently is necessary
99.21 Reports – to receive update reports:
a) Grange Park
- To receive an update regarding work to the boundary trees of Grange Park and Barbers Farm
The Parish Council (via Grange Park fund) is meeting cost to cut back part of the trees as it is damaging the snowdrop bank area. An email has been received from Barbers Farms indicating that further tree work and fencing repair will be carried out.
- To receive an update from the working group
The working group is looking at a tree of dedication for the Queen Elizabeth IIs Platinum Jubilee.
b) Scothern Recreation Centre and Spirit of Scothern – receive update report
- The first face to face meeting took place at the beginning of June.
- An architect has been commissioned to assist with the planning of the alterations and upgrading of the village hall.
100.21 Correspondence – for information only
- LALC – Various newsletters
- Barbers Farm – Reply to Parish Council letter regarding trees bordering Grange Park
- Central Lincs – Details of advance warning for Central Lincolnshire Local Plan consultation
- Lincolnshire County Council – Update regarding the new A46 roundabout
- Zurich Insurance – Annual Council insurance documents
101.21 Next meeting – Wednesday 8th September 2021 at 7.30pm, to be confirmed
Meeting closed 21:28