May 2022 Agenda

A meeting of Scothern Parish Council will take place on Wednesday 11th May 2022 at 7.30pm in The Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
At the start of the meeting there will be a 15-minute public forum where members of the public can raise any point or concerns to the Council. Decisions cannot be made during this time but may become a future agenda item.
1. Housekeeping
2. To elect a chairman and sign the declaration of acceptance
3. To elect a vice-chairman and sign the declaration of acceptance
4. To receive and decide upon applications for co option onto the Parish Council
5. External Reports (All)
a) Police Update
b) District Councillor Report
c) County Councillor Report
6. Public Session
7. Apologies for Absence
8. Declarations of Interest (Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary)
9. Minutes of previous meetings
a) Notes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 13th April 2022 – to receive, approve and sign as minutes
b) Notes of the Council Meeting held on 13th April 2022 – to receive, approve and sign as minutes.
10. Update Reports:
a) To receive an update regarding the Community Speed Initiative (DC/RC)
b) To receive an update on the maintenance and possible relocation of the war memorial (CN)
c) To receive an update regarding the reinstatement of public transport, including a shopper bus
11. Council Functions:
a) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Review
b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Neighbourhood Plan review (JLF)
c) To receive a proposal to adopt the following policies and procedures, following review:- Data Audit/ Publication Scheme/ Standing Orders, Financial Regulations (JJ)
d) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the best garden competition (JF/JJ)
e) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding LALCs networking day
f) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding Councillor responsibilities.
12. Financial matters
a) Current financial statement (All)
b) To receive an update regarding CIL payments due for the development on Dunholme Road
c) To receive an update from Scothern Recreation Centre regarding a financial contribution towards strimming around the playing field during growing season at £26 per occasion (JLF)
d) To approve a quote for the Councils Annual Insurance at a cost of £364.51
e) To approve Clerks expenses for broadband/telephone contribution and use of house as office for 2022/23.
f) To receive an update from Locality regarding the underspend of the 2021/22 Neighbourhood Plan review funding.
g) Invoices for payment to be agreed (All)
Supplier Detail Gross VAT Net
Multidata (May) Broadband 44.59 0.00 44.59
Mrs L Richardson Clerks Salary and Expenses 480.50 0.00 480.50
Glendale Grass Cutting 1203.41 200.57 1002.84
13. Highways and Maintenance:-
a) Update report – to receive response letter from Edward Leigh regarding overdue maintenance due in the village.
b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding an overgrown hedge on Lime Tree Paddock.
c) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding maintenance required to the cycle path on the east side of Sudbrooke Road.
d) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the resurfacing of the footpath on the west side of Sudbrooke Road.
e) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the resurfacing of Dunholme Road and Main Street.
f) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding flooding on Main Street, adjacent to number 23.
g) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the pothole outside of 16 Main Street.
h) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the potholes on Main Steet towards Langworth Road.
i) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the potholes on Vicarage Lane
j) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the potholes on Church Street
k) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding maintenance required to the small wooden gate on Chapel Walk to receive and decide quotes to wash, undercoat and gloss the fencing and metal railing along the length of the beck from 2 Dunholme Road to Northing Lane.
l) To discuss the micro ashfelt to Weir Farm Paddock, Lime Tree Paddock and Meadow Close and take any necessary action.
m) To receive a request from a resident for support to get an “Unsuitable for HGV” sign at both ends of Craypool Lane.
14. Planning matters: -
a) 142777 – Land adj. The Croft, 22 Dunholme Road – Planning Appeal to convert and extend garage to form 1no. dwelling – decision awaited from Planning Inspectorate
b) 144296 – Pyewipe Farm, Northing Lane – Planning application to install a ground mount solar panel system comprising of 56no. panels in 2 x rows of 28 – Undergoing public consultation
c) 144546 – Lycka, 41 Main Street – Planning application to remove existing single storey extension and erect two storey rear extension – Granted
d) 144608 - The Bramblings, 10 Church Street - Planning application for proposed side and in-roof first floor extension – Undergoing public consultation
e) 144716 – The Bottle and Glass, 14 Main Street – Planning application to form external covered seating area to current garden lawn – discuss and submit comments to WLDC
15. Field paths
- To discuss any maintenance due to the village fieldpaths (BP)
16. Reports – to receive update reports:
a) Grange Park (CN)
- To receive an update regarding work to the damaged fence Grange Park - Barbers Farm.
- To receive an update from the working group
- Scothern Recreation Centre and Spirit of Scothern – receive update report (JLF)
17. Correspondence – for information only
- LALC – Weekly Clerks Newsletters
18. Next meeting – Wednesday 8th June 2022 at 7.30pm at The Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern
Signed: L. Richardson
Clerk to the Council
4th May 2022