February 2023 Minutes

Minutes of a Scothern Parish Council (SPC) meeting held on Wednesday 8 February 2023 at 19:30 at The Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern.
Present: Cllr Mrs CJ Nicoll (CJN) [Chair], JLR Fotheringham (JLRF), J Johnson (JJ), B R Patchett (BR), R Creaser (RC), D Canton (DC), N Reyner (NR)
In attendance: County Cllr S Rawlins, District Cllr R Waller, 3 members of the public
Council called to order at 20:03
018/23 Housekeeping – given by Chair
019/23 External Reports
a) District Councillor Report
Noted photographic ID will be needed to vote in person at elections in May 2023. WLDC website gives details for anyone not having acceptable ID.
District Councillor Patterson still to make contact to arrange public meeting for bus services.
Subscriptions for collection of green waste can now be renewed.
Noted WLDC investigating the feasibility of premium service for residents who would like winter collection of green waste. Additional cost will be involved.
NPPF consultations – Levelling up and Regeneration Bill: Reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) – proposals can be viewed, D/Cllr Waller can feed back comments to WLDC for inclusion in the WLDC response. Consultation ends 2 March 2023.
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP) projects – progress continues – dedicated area on WLDC https://www.west-lindsey.gov.uk/planning-building-control/solar-development-proposals-west-lindsey D/Cllr Waller can feed back comments. Multi-disciplinary consultancy appointed to provide technical support.
Central Lincolnshire Local Plan – Joint Committee meeting to be held 13 April to discuss way forward and timescales. Current consultation period ends 24 February 2023.
Noted D/Cllr following up on lack of information on the WLDC website regarding outcome of the planning appeal in relation to the property junction of Dunholme Road/Heath Road.
D/Cllr introduced Anne Welburn, Deputy Leader of WLDC who will be standing for the Sudbrooke Ward of WLDC at forthcoming election.
b) County Councillor Report
- Craypool Lane – advised some works to be completed circa 21 February 2023.
- Bus meeting – C/Cllr requested to be advised when arranged, hopefully LCC officers will attend.
- Gullies full Dunholme Road/Main Street – confirmation given by Parish Cllrs that gullies have not been cleared. C/Cllr to follow up with LCC Highways.
- Master list of highways projects has been compiled by LCC which includes Sudbrooke Road cycle/footpath works, survey junction A158 and speeding A158. Noted however that inflation is having impact on works being done.
- Other issues noted: Social care funding difficulties, difficulty in debt levels being kept down, staff recruitment/training and apprenticeship schemes difficult
- Devolution – under discussion.
020/23 Public Session – member of public raised public transport provision – advised that no information is available at the present time.
021/23 Apologies for Absence – all present
022/23 Declarations of Interest (Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary) - none declared.
023/23 Notes of Council Meeting held on 11 January 2022 – having been circulated were taken as read. Resolved that the notes be signed by the Chair as minutes.
024/23 Update Reports:
a) To receive an update regarding the Community Speed Initiative (SID)
Three cameras – now in place, however it is not possible at present to download information from camera 3 on Main Street – Elan City involved in resolving problem which will necessitate removal of the camera for interrogation.
Recording on Cameras 1 and 2 - similar number as previous months. Speeds recorded: Camera 1 Dunholme Road - 11 x >70mph maximum 81mph
Camera 2 Sudbrooke Road– 5 x >70mph maximum 93mph.
Grant application to IGAS – submitted, outcome will be known end of March.
b) To receive an update on the maintenance and relocation of the war memorial – nothing to report
c) To note arrangements for transfer to “gov.uk” email addresses - progressing
d) To receive an update on Central Lincolnshire Local Plan – results of latest consultation awaited, however would appear that the two proposed sites for Scothern are still included.
e) To consider any quotes for play equipment repairs arising from RoSPA report – quotation requested from Playdayz.
f) To receive and discuss any Police matters including Police cluster meeting
Noted that the cluster meeting will be held at the Methodist Church, Scothern on Monday 20 February 2023 at 10:30. Agreed Cllrs DC/JJ/NR attend.
Agreed Scothern Parish Council will meet the cost of the hire of the room - £25.00.
g) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Neighbourhood Plan review – noted next meeting 15 February 2023, when it is hoped final documents will be agreed for presentation and adoption at the Parish Council meeting on 8 March 2023.
h) Bus matters:
To review, discuss and take any necessary action in relation to bus services through village – noted contact from D/Cllr Roger Patterson regarding public meeting date awaited.
i) To discuss provision of emergency light adjacent to defibrillator at Village Hall – noted quotation received from J D Clay Ltd in the sum of £225.00 exc VAT; quotation accepted.
025/23 Council Functions:
a) To receive, discuss and adopt (JJ)
Terms of Reference (ToR) - Grange Park – noted Grange Park Group accepted the ToR with the addition of information regarding funding. Agreed ToR be adopted and published on SPC website.
b) To discuss and agree date of Annual Parish Meeting (APM) – Resolved Annual Parish Council meeting be held on 8 March 2023 followed by a Parish Council meeting. If possible, public meeting in relation to bus services be included in the APM.
c) To discuss subscription to the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) Annual Training Scheme (ATS) 2023/24 at a cost of £138.00 inc VAT – resolved SPC subscribes to the scheme to allow Councillors/Clerk to attend training events.
d) To discuss any community events/arrangements for King Charles III Coronation – agreed that SPC collaborates/assists with Scothern Recreation Centre at an event to celebrate the Coronation of Charles III. Noted funding available from the D/Cllr Community Initiative Fund to support the event.
Action: Acting Clerk to advise Scothern Recreation Centre.
026/234 Financial matters
a) To discuss purchase of up-to-date Charles Arnold Baker £131.99 – resolved up to date version of Local Council Administration by Charles Arnold Baker be purchased fro LALC. (nb: SPCs current version is 20 years old).
Action: Acting Clerk
b) Current financial statement – noted financial information distributed prior to meeting. Resolved financial statement be accepted.
c) Invoices for payment to be agreed (All)
Resolved invoices as listed below be paid.
Action: Acting Clerk
Detail |
Exc VAT |
Inc Vat |
Wifi Broadband at village hall (reimbursed by WLDC) |
37.16 |
7.43 |
44.59 |
Cllr Cathryn Nicoll |
Expenses (Neighbourhood Plan/Printer Cartridges) |
36.48 |
5.00 |
41.48 |
Annual Membership |
269.43 |
0 |
269.433 |
Internal Audit |
200.00 |
40.00 |
240.00 |
Webmaster – 5 hours |
75.00 |
15.00 |
90.00 |
PAYE/NI – Michelle Vail |
750.76 |
0 |
750.76 |
Welton Parish Council |
Play equipment inspection |
20.00 |
0 |
20.00 |
Rudies Roots Nurseries |
Winter planting of village planters (expected expenditure) |
444.15 |
88.83 |
532.98 |
027/23 Village maintenance:
a) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance – noted none identified.
b) Compilation of asset register and arrangements for inspection of assets – Cllr Creaser presented suggested asset register and inspection arrangements for agreement. Following discussion and suggestions further detail to be reviewed at future meeting.
028/23 Highways:
a) Update report – nothing to report.
b) LCC to check offlets and gullies on Main Street and Dunholme Road/jet drains adjacent to 23 Main Street following resurfacing of Dunholme Road and Main Street – noted included in LCC scheduled works
c) Flooding issues on Craypool Lane – LCC work scheduled for February 2023
d) Overgrown hedge on Lime Tree Paddock – C/Cllr to request inspection by Enforcement Team at LCC to confirm work has been carried out satisfactorily.
e) Noted Sudbrooke Road cycle path (eastern side) and footpath (western side) on list of works.
029/23 Planning matters:
a) Planning Inspectorate Appeal Ref: APP/N2535/W/22/3306219.
144213 - Land to rear of Weir Farm Paddock, Scothern.Outline planning application to erect up to 36no. dwellings - access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications – noted decision awaited from Planning Inspectorate which could take up to six months or more.
030/23 Field paths
To discuss any maintenance due to the village fieldpaths – nothing to report.
Report of broken gate on path running from Orchard Close – privately owned gate; PC has no jurisdiction.
031/23 Reports – to receive update reports:
a) Grange Park (CN)
i. To receive an update regarding work to the damaged fence Grange Park - Barbers Farm – nothing to report
ii. To receive an update from the working group – next meeting 27 February 2023.
b) Scothern Recreation Centre (SRC) and Spirit of Scothern – receive update report
Noted SRC now proceeding with phase 1 of refurbishment – meeting room ceiling replaster / total re-decoration of all areas, replacement of all sanitary fittings, door/hatch openings to be adjusted. 12m x 1.5m extension east side access to toilets to make toilet access easier.
Tracey Borman event arranged
Flix in Stix and 40s night – very successful
032/23 Correspondence – for information only
LALC E-news 16 January 2023
WLDC Council papers for meeting 23 January 2023
NALC Newsletter – Information regarding King Charles III Coronation
LALC E-news – 30 January 2023
1. Next meeting – Wednesday 8 March 2023 following Annual Parish Meeting at The Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern
Meeting closed: 21:20