March 2023 Minutes

Minutes of Scothern Parish Council (SPC) meeting held on Wednesday 8 March 2023 at the Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern following the Annual Parish Meeting.
Present: Cllrs Mrs C J Nicoll (CJN), J L R Fotheringham (JLRF), J Johnson (JJ),
D Canton (DC), R Creaser (RC), N Reyner (NR), B Patchett (BP)
In attendance: C/Cllr S Rawlins (SR)
Order called: 20:45
34/23 Housekeeping
35/23 External Reports
a) District Councillor Report (RW) – Apologies received. RW has advised that WLDC has been successful in bidding for Royal Air Force Scampton however central government suggesting Scampton could be used for asylum seekers. Decision unknown at present time.
b) County Councillor Report (SR)- nothing further to report following Annual Parish meeting.
36/23 Public Session – no members of public present
37/23 Apologies for Absence – no apologies received.
38/33 Declarations of Interest (Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary) – none received.
39/23 Notes of Council Meeting held on 8 February 2023 having been circulated were taken as read. Resolved that the notes be signed by the Chair as minutes.
40/23 Update Reports:
a) To receive an update regarding the Community Speed Initiative (SID)
To receive downloaded data from SIDs – 7 February 2023-7 March 2023
Sign 1 Dunholme Road: incoming 43310 99%<40mph.
outgoing 52500 97% <40mph
maximum 88mph
Sign 2 Sudbrooke Road: incoming 36313 92%<40mph
Outgoing 28233 89%<40mph
maximum 88mph
Sign 3 Main Street: No data as not possible to download information
To note progress with Sign 3 (Main Street) data downloading – repaired and now operational.
Grant application to IGAS - nothing to report.
b) To receive an update on the maintenance and relocation of the war memorial – hopeful that work will be completed for the 2023 Act of Remembrance. Noted
Need to confirm whether planning permission is needed.
Seek development funding from WLDC - to cover costs of planning permission, faculty, contractor in providing Risk Assessment/Method Statement.
Obtain faculty (PCC)
Seek funding from WLDC Community Funding for the work to be completed
Likely to have to provide some matched funding
£100 available from PCC for adding names to war memorial
Arrange re-dedication.
c) To note arrangements for transfer to “” email addresses – nothing to report
d) To receive an update on Central Lincolnshire Local Plan – nothing to report
e) To consider any quotes for play equipment repairs arising from RoSPA report (CJN)
Quotation received from Playdays – total amount c£7200. In view of likely works to the Village Hall Playdays be advised that works “put on hold” for time being.
Action: Acting Clerk
f) To receive and discuss any Police matters including Police cluster meeting
Cluster meeting held 20 February 2023. Meetings to be held in rotation; Scothern, Nettleham, Sudbrooke, Reepham, Greetwell, Cherry Willingham, Bardney Group. No date arranged for next meeting. Parking, speeding, visibility amongst items discussed.
Noted 2 x road traffic collisions and 1 x assault in Scothern during the period 1 January 2023 – 8 March 2023.
Noted incident of door-to-door selling recently
g) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Neighbourhood Plan review –
To discuss the draft Neighbourhood Review and agree to submit for examination – Resolved the draft Neighbourhood Plan be submitted for examination however slight possible adjustment needs clarification in relation to Assets of Community Value.
Action Chair/Acting Clerk to advise Luke Brown, Neighbourhood Plan Consultant.
h) Bus matters:
To review, discuss and take any necessary action in relation to bus services through village
Resolved survey of potential public transport usage be undertaken to provide credible evidence NR to arrange with Lincoln University Business School.
Action: NR
Resolved Edward Leigh MP be approached for support.
Action: Acting Clerk/Chair
i) To discuss community events/arrangements for King Charles III Coronation
To discuss and agree financial contribution
Noted £782.14 available from District Councillor Initiative Fund – to be held in PC earmarked funds.
Any funds from PC to be agreed from 2023/24 budget.
Celebration event to be collaboration between SPC/Scothern Recreation Centre – Coronation to be streamed / bar. Noted application will be made to PC for funding.
41/23 Council Functions:
a) To note progress and agree recruitment and appointment of Clerk to the Council
Noted Leticia Cooper appointed as Clerk/RFO to the Council. Will commence on 13 March 2023. Handover sessions arranged. Information to be posted in Parish Magazine/website/FaceBook.
b) To receive information regarding Council Elections (Parish and District) and take any necessary action.
Packs delivered to existing councillors along with guidance notes – noted Polling District/Electoral number can be provided by Acting Clerk/Chair. Completed forms to be delivered CJN by 20 March 2023. CJN to deliver to WLDC at Gainsborough.
To agree to meet travel expenses for delivery of nomination forms to WLDC.
travel expenses approved.
42/23 Great British Spring Clean 2023 – to discuss participation and formulate programme Resolved JJ/RC to facilitate participation and advertise as necessary. Event dates 17 March 2023 to 2 April 2023.
43/23 To discuss Best Garden Competition 2023 and agree arrangements
Resolved competition be held during 2023 JJ to facilitate.
Action: JJ
44/23 Financial matters
a) Current financial statement (All).
Noted financial information distributed prior to meeting.
Resolved financial statement be accepted and copy bank statements signed.
b) Invoices for payment to be agreed (All)
Payee |
Detail |
Exc VAT |
Inc Vat |
Rudies Roots Nurseries |
Winter planting (ratify payment [February]–expected sexpenditure) |
444.15 |
88.83 |
532.98 |
Cathryn Nicoll |
Expenses – notice board magnets (Amazon) |
6.66 |
1.33 |
7.99 |
Methodist Church |
Hire of meeting venue |
150.00 |
0 |
150.00 |
Pauline Sargeant |
Bus Shelter Cleaning Quarter 4 (01/01/23-31/03/23) |
250.00 |
0 |
250.00 |
Robert Creaser |
Padlocks for Speed Indicator Device Main Street |
8.32 |
1.67 |
9.99 |
Community Heros Posters (Election) |
6.00 |
1.20 |
7.20 |
Glendale Countryside |
Repair fencing – Grange Park |
494.00 |
98.80 |
592.80 |
Luke Brown |
Neighbourhood Plan Consultant – final document preparation |
2000.00 |
0 |
2000.00 |
J D Clay Ltd |
Provision of PIR light adjacent defibrillator |
225.00 |
45.00 |
270.00 |
Geoxphere Ltd |
Parish Online software mapping (Neighbourhood Plan) |
70.00 |
14.00 |
84.00 |
Multidata |
Village Hall Broadband (refunded by WLDC) |
44.59 |
0 |
44.59 |
Welton PC |
Play Equipment Inspection (expected expenditure) |
20.00 |
0 |
20.00 |
Sage |
Payroll package (expected expenditure) |
7.00 |
1.40 |
8.40 |
Resolved invoices as listed be paid.
c) Discuss provision of printer for Clerk’s use and agree costs – noted printer owned by PC has failed and needs replacement.
Resolved Clerk be authorised to identify printer for purchase to a cost of £175 exc VAT.
45/23 Village maintenance:
a) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance (RC) – nothing to report.
b) To discuss and take necessary action regarding compilation of asset register (RC) – nothing to report.
c) To discuss arrangements for inspection of assets (RC) - nothing to report
46/23 Highways:
a) Update report (JLRF) – potholes in Church Street reported and awaiting filling.
b) To note response from LCC to check offlets and gullies on Main Street and Dunholme Road and to jet drains adjacent to 23 Main Street following resurfacing of Dunholme Road and Main Street – SR to pursue with LCC Highways.
c) To receive any update from LCC, and take any necessary action, regarding flooding issues on Craypool Lane - SR to pursue with LCC Highways.
d) To receive any update in relation to overgrown hedge on Lime Tree Paddock – no update on enforcement. SR to pursue with LCC Highways. Photographs to be forwarded to SR to seek confirmation that work has been carried out to LCC Highways satisfaction.
e) To receive any update on the cycle path (eastern side) and footpath (western side) on Sudbrooke Road – SR to pursue with LCC Highways.
f) To receive any update in relation to the extension of the speed limit on Heath Road – SR to pursue with LCC Highways.
47/23 Planning matters:
a) Planning Inspectorate Appeal Ref: APP/N2535/W/22/3306219.
144213 - Land to rear of Weir Farm Paddock, Scothern.Outline planning application to erect up to 36no. dwellings - access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications – decision awaited from Planning Inspectorate
b) 146177 – planning application for extension of garage at 17 St Germain’s Way, Scothern – noted application received too late for inclusion on February agenda – SPC Planning Protocol invoked. No comment to make relating to application – WLDC advised.
48/23 Field paths
To discuss any maintenance due to the village fieldpaths (BP) – nothing to report
49/23 Reports – to receive update reports:
a) Grange Park (CN)
i. To receive an update regarding work to the damaged fence Grange Park - Barbers Farm – noted fence partially repaired, work halted as buried asbestos found in fence line. Information awaited from Glendale Countryside regarding alternative boundary marking.
ii. To receive an update from the working group
Meeting held 27 February 2023 –
trees pruned
Golden Elm to mark Elizabeth IIs reign to be planted.
Wildflower plugs (varieties yet to be identified) to be planted.
Tree to mark Charles III Coronation to be identified and planted.
Next meeting 24 April 2023.
b) Scothern Recreation Centre and Spirit of Scothern – receive update report
Quotations sought for refurbishment work
£55k corridor extension,
£35k total decoration, refurbish sports changing rooms, door on right side of stage, refurbish committee room, serving hatch, new led lighting, new floor.
Total funding available c£98.
Successful fund-raising events include Fashion Show, Flix in Stix.
Future events include - Tracey Borman Event. 40s dance January 2024.
50/23 Correspondence – for information only
LALC enews 6 February 2023 / 27 February 2023
Anglian Water – Pipeline Elsham to Lincoln
Lincolnshire County Council – Town and parish council update
WLDC meeting – 6 March 2023
51/23 Next meeting – Wednesday 12 April 2023 at 7.30pm at The Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern
Meeting closed: 22:02