January 2022 Minutes

A meeting of Scothern Parish Council took place on Wednesday 12th January 2021 at 7.30pm in The Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern.
Present: Cllrs Mrs C Nicoll (Chair) (CJN), J Fotheringham (JLF), D Canton (DC), R Creaser (RC), J Johnson (JJ) and B Patchett (BP)
In attendance: District Councillor Bob Waller
Clerk, Mrs L Richardson
Apologies received: County Cllr Sue Rawlins
Housekeeping – given by Chair
External Reports
a) Police Update – No report received
b) District Councillor Report – District Cllr Waller reported the following:-
- Meetings are now taking place at the Guildhall again, ensuring that Covid guidelines are followed.
- The Government are starting to look at reverting to more online meetings again.
- Central Lincolnshire Local Plan (CLLP) Review
- A meeting has taken place of the CLLP Committee - noted that Cllr Waller is now on the CLLP Committee.
- The plan review involves the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which includes the CLLP, and Neighbourhood Plans agreed by referendum.
- The NPPF is updated on a regular basis.
- The CLLP was adopted in April 2017, Neighbourhood Plans in 2015 and many are now up for review, which should be carried out on a regular basis.
- Only 4 District Councils within Lincolnshire are governed by the CLLP.
- 40 Parish Councils replied to the consultation, 30 statutory consultees replied, 90 Landowners/developers, 7 District Councils and 200 individuals.
- A policy needs to be put in place for RAF Scampton - a strategic policy for the closure is essential.
- The climate change agenda signed up to in 2020 is now influencing the CLLP. Looking at net zero wherever possible.
- Support and approach for 5-year housing supply – The policy prior to the review entailed 36,000 houses allocated over 5 years, following the review there are 29,150 houses now included.
- The CLLP is going more online and being more user friendly. It has been rewritten into chapters, each chapter includes a different policy defined as NS – Nonstrategic (supports the CCLP) and S - Strategic (Core framework)
- The CLLP Joint committee will go to review the policy on 28th February before it goes forward to be adopted.
- West Lindsey Covid figures are as follows – first vaccination 77,219 (89.1%), second vaccination 72,587 (83.8%), booster 59,564 (68.8%), 49 people are in hospital and there have been no deaths in the last 2 weeks. Total cases currently stand at 17,224.
c) County Councillor Report – Not present
Public Session - None present
Apologies for Absence - All present
Council called to order: 19.55
Declarations of Interest (Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary) - No declarations made
Minutes of previous meeting - Notes of the Council Meeting held on 8th December 2021 – to receive, approve and sign as minutes - proposed Cllr Canton, seconded Cllr Creaser and agreed by all to sign the notes of the last meeting as a true record.
Update Reports:
a. To receive an update regarding the Community Speed Initiative
The weather and lack of volunteers have meant no sessions have taken place.
The speed awareness sign has been moved to a new location in the village.
Health and Safety issues were raised regarding using a step ladder to relocate the sign.
Dunholme Road is the busiest road in the village with Sudbrooke Road being the second busiest road.
Data retrieved from the devices was given to Councillors.
b. Playpark – To receive an update on the necessary maintenance to the play area
It is hoped that the necessary maintenance work will take place within the next 2 weeks.
c. To receive an update regarding the cancellation on the Multidata broadband at the village hall
The Wi-Fi on the Recreation Centre site is now all working and WLDC have reimbursed the new router cost.
No further action is required, and this can now be removed from the agenda.
d. To receive an update regarding drainage issues on Sudbrooke Road, including traffic arrangements for the road closure
Matthew Harrison (Flood management Officer, LCC) has stated that LCC is currently obtaining tenders for the proposed work. A similar scheme is also taking place in Kirton, and it is hoped that more information will be known mid-February as to the next steps to be taken.
e. To receive an update regarding the contribution towards resident Christmas lunches
No financial donation was needed in the end. Item to be removed from agenda.
f. To receive an update regarding the proposal to close the road between Church Lane, Sudbrooke and Sudbrooke Lane, Nettleham (Nettleham and Sudbrooke / active travel quiet route)
County Council has advised that this scheme is unlikely to proceed.
g. To receive an update on the maintenance and possible relocation of the war memorial
Grant White (West Lindsey Grants Officer) is confident that he will be able to find some funding for this project. This cannot progress until the Contractor has put in a tender for the work and the Parochial Church Council (PCC) has advised where they want the war memorial relocating to. Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Canton and agreed by all for Cllr Mrs Nicoll to work collaboratively with the PCC regarding this matter.
Action: Cllr Mrs Nicoll
Council Functions:
a. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the reinstatement of public transport, including a shopper bus
Paul Sanders (Matrix Passenger Manager) reported that there is a further delay due to the buses being used as transport to the Covid vaccination centres.
b. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Review
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr J Johnson and agreed by all to write to CLLP Committee members representing all Councils to ensure they are aware that there is a lack of facilities in the village, no bus service etc for the number of proposed houses planned for the village.
Cllr Mrs Nicoll will put a response together for the Clerk to forward to the necessary contacts.
Action: Cllr Mrs Nicoll and Clerk
c. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Neighbourhood Plan review
The review is ongoing – the feedback from the public consultation event has been received and Luke Brown has noted this into further discussions for meeting on 19th February 2022.
It was noted that there was a very good turnout to the consultation event.
d. To receive a proposal to adopt the following policies and procedures, following review:- Communications protocol/Data Audit/Data Protection Policy/ Disciplinary and Grievance Policy/ Grant Ward Policy/ Handling Complaints Policy/ Planning Protocol/ Publication Scheme/ Social Media Policy and Subject Access Request Policy
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Creaser and agreed by all for Cllr J Johnson to amend the policies where needed and circulate to adopt at the next meeting. The Clerk will support where needed.
Action: Cllr J Johnson and Clerk
Financial matters
a. Current financial statement
A current financial statement has been received from the Clerk.
b. To receive an update regarding CIL payments due for the development on Dunholme Road
WLDC has confirmed that a sum of £1616.81 will be payable to Scothern Parish Council once they have received the amount payable from the developer. This will be paid to the Parish Council in April or October 2022 in line with CIL Policy.
Cllr Mrs Nicoll will contact the planning department to request that payment is made as soon as possible once received as it is the Parish Council that brought this matter to their attention.
Action: Cllr Mrs Nicoll
c. To agree the 2022-23 budget, complete the precept demand form and submit to West Lindsey District Council
Proposed Cllr Patchett, seconded Cllr Fotheringham and agreed by all to request a final precept request for 2022-23 of £31,053. The form was completed and signed by Council members for submission to WLDC.
Action: Clerk
d. To receive an income and expenditure projection for 2021-22
A projected income and expenditure account for 2021-22 was received and discussed.
e. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding a financial donation for the Scothern Recreation Centre – See minute ref. 112.21d
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Patchett and agreed by all to donate £1000 to Scothern Recreation Centre for essential electrical work.
f. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the purchase of a further speed sign
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Patchett and agreed by all to purchase an extra speed sign for the cost of £1870.55 (exc. VAT) from Elan City.
Action: Cllr Canton
g. Invoices for payment to be agreed
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Creaser and agreed by all to make the following payments:-
Supplier Detail Gross VAT Net
Multidata Broadband 40.80 0.00 40.80
Multidata New router 83.99 0.00 83.99
Mrs L Richardson Clerks Salary and Expenses 471.53 0.00 471.53
PKF Littlejohn External Audit Fee 240.00 40.00 200.00
Luke Brown NP Consultant 2400.00 0.00 2400.00
Welton Parish Council Play area Inspections 20.00 0.00 20.00
Glendale Grass Cutting and
September 2021 Figure to be confirmed
October 2021 Figure to be confirmed
January 2022 Figure to be confirmed
Highways and Maintenance:-
a. Update report
b. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding an overgrown hedge on Lime Tree Paddock
To be discussed at the site meeting with LCC Councillors and Officers in February 2022.
c. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding maintenance required to the cycle path on the east side of Sudbrooke Road
To be discussed at the site meeting with LCC Councillors and Officers in February 2022.
d. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the resurfacing of the footpath on the west side of Sudbrooke Road
To be discussed at the site meeting with LCC Councillors and Officers in February 2022.
e. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the resurfacing of Dunholme Road and Main Street
To be discussed at the site meeting with LCC Councillors and Officers in February 2022.
f. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding flooding on Main Street, adjacent to number 23
To be discussed at the site meeting with LCC Councillors and Officers in February 2022.
g. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding repairs to culvert on the beck adjacent the war memorial
To be discussed at the site meeting with LCC Councillors and Officers in February 2022.
h. To receive an update regarding an email from a resident regarding overgrown shrubs in the Parish Council car park and take any necessary action
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr J Johnson and agreed by all to accept a quote from Glendale for £150 to undertake the necessary maintenance work. The Clerk will advise the residents that this is a “one off” payment for the work required for suckers growing from their property.
Action: Clerk
i. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the ‘Fix our Funds to fix our roads’ scheme
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr J Johnson and agreed by all for Cllr Mrs Nicoll and the Clerk to put a response together and submit on behalf of the Parish Council
Action: Cllr Mrs Nicoll and Clerk
Planning matters: -
a) 143867 – Land at Dunholme Road (9 St Germains Way) – Planning application for change of use of agricultural land to domestic garden area for dwellings on adjacent approved housing development – being variation of condition 2 of planning permission 138433 granted 28 November 2018 – amended plans received to remove easement strip – Granted
b) 142777 – Land adj. The Croft, 22 Dunholme Road – Appeal for Planning application to convert and extend garage to form 1no. dwelling – Undergoing public consultation
c) To note possible planning application submission for rear of Weir Farm Paddock
It was noted that a planning application for the rear of Weir Farm Paddock has been submitted.
To discuss and submit any comments regarding the Lincolnshire County Council proposed council tax increase of 3% for 2022-23 for Adult Social Care
No comments to submit
Field paths
To discuss any maintenance due to the village fieldpaths – No action required
Reports – to receive update reports:
a. Grange Park
To receive an update regarding work to the damaged fence and boundary trees of Grange Park and Barbers Farm
The Clerk will continue to chase the landowner regarding the damaged fence.
To receive an update from the working group
No other update
b. Scothern Recreation Centre and Spirit of Scothern – receive update report
- The Christmas afternoon tea was well attended.
- A jubilee event is being arranged for 5th June 2022.
Correspondence – for information only
- LALC – Weekly Clerks Newsletters
- County Councillor Rawlins – Confirmation of village maintenance visit
- Sudbrooke Parish Council – Social Media advice request
- Resident – Objections to the closure of the road from Sudbrooke to Nettleham
- Locality – Confirmation of funding and acceptance letter
16.22 Next meeting – Wednesday 9th February 2022 at 7.30pm at The Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern
Meeting closed: 21:56