December 2022 Minutes

Minutes of Scothern Parish Council (SPC) meeting which took place on Wednesday 14 December 2022 at 7.30pm in the Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern.
Present: Cllrs Mrs CJ Nicoll (CJN) (Chair), J Fotheringham (JF), J Johnson (JJ), R Creaser (RC), N Reyner (NR), D Canton (DC)
In attendance: District Councillor Bob Waller, 1 member public.
Meeting started at 7.30pm Housekeeping – given by Chair
174.22 External Reports
a) Police Update (DC)
Update on recent visit from new community police inspector and requests.
Cllr Canton reported that meeting had taken place when parking and non-visibility of policing team were raised. Police Inspector to be advised that:
– Councillor will attend a joint parish councils meeting in February when date advised.
– Inspector to be notified that Sudbrooke Road* / Juniper Drive* / Main Street [St Lukes], Craypool Lane / Orchard Close / 16 Church Street / junction Sudbrooke Road-Church Street are areas where parking is considered to be an issue. * particularly at school start/leaving times.
Action: Clerk
b) District Councillor Report (RW)
WLDC Planning meeting 30 November – travellers site at Grange de Lings approved as no viable planning reasons to refuse.
“services” at A15 roundabout near Lincolnshire showground – outline approval given however discussions ongoing between LCC and WLDC
Planning – 16 Church Street ongoing discussions
Details of WLDC opening times and waste collections over Christmas period given.
No complaints in October regarding waste collections in WLDC
Solar Projects Update – residents can make comment in relation on the four Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects via website
Neighbourhood Plans becoming more and more important and will carry more weight under the revised Central Lincolnshire Local Plan. Across WLDC 23 are made and 20 in preparation. Five are currently under review and 39 communities are still to decide/commence.
Council Tax Energy Rebate Scheme – discretionary payments are being made to Band E properties. Funded by central government.
No complaints received by WLDC waste collection services during October despite c65,000 bins being emptied across WLDC.
Scampton – update given on the future of RAF Scampton.
Will be standing down in May (2023 is election year) and will not be eligible for re-election as now lives out of ward.
c) County Councillor Report (SR) – apologies received (comments received reported at appropriate agenda item).
175.22 Public Session – member of public raised the lack of bus services. Order called: 20:05
Resolved that Cllr Mrs Nicoll act as Clerk due to the absence of the Clerk (illness).
176.22 Apologies for Absence – received from Cllr B Patchett, resolved reason for absence be accepted as valid.
177.22 Declarations of Interest (Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary) – none received.
Resolved Cllrs check WLDC website and confirm to Clerk that Register of Interests form is up to date.
Action: all Councillors
178.22 Notes of Council Meeting held on 9 November 2022 – to receive, approve and sign as minutes. Resolved notes of meeting be signed by Chair as accurate record of meeting.
179.22 Update Reports:
a) To receive an update regarding the Community Speed Initiative (DC/RC)
Noted additional Speed Indicator Device – has been despatched.
Grant application to IGAS – nothing to report
Following data given
For period 7 November 2022-12 December 2022 (26 days)
Sign 1 – Dunholme Road: incoming 51,628, outgoing 63,614
Sign 2 – Sudbrooke Road: incoming 45,700, outgoing 35,984
b) To receive an update on the maintenance and possible relocation of the war memorial (CN)
Noted public consultation produced no objections to proposal.
PCC currently making application for Faculty.
c) To agree the costs to subscribe to the email addresses (CN)
Resolved all Councillors/Clerk be allocated “” email addresses at following costs:
Initial enrolment to domain and one year subscription £120 (ie two years)
Year 3 and ongoing annual subscription £60 pa
£2 per user per month (7 councillors and clerk) = £16 per month in perpetuity
£25 initial “set up” costs, any future costs to be on a “time” basis
Resolved Springbok Computers be appointed administrator to manage enrolment and create email addresses. Springbok Computers to invoice on an annual basis for domain subscription and on a monthly in arrears basis for email addresses
nb: all costs inclusive of VAT
Action: Clerk to advise Springbok Computers and complete application template.
d) To confirm subscription for Microsoft Office package (CN)
Resolved to subscribe to Microsoft Office 365 via Springbok Computers at a cost of £14.95 per month (inclusive of VAT). Springbok Computers to invoice on a monthly in arrears basis
Action: Clerk to advise Springbok Computers and complete application template.
e) Christmas:
Christmas Tree event successful event held – noted tree provided and erected by the Straw family. Thanks had been publicly expressed at the event.
Village Live Advent Calendar – going well
f) To receive an update on Central Lincolnshire Local Plan – Examination Review
Noted CJN attended Examination Review hearing at the Doubletree Hilton in Lincoln on 24 November 2022. Outcome not expected until 2023.
g) To resolve as required on matters pertaining to the new Parish Council mobile phone – noted mobile telephone from Tesco now in use at a monthly subscription of £7.50 (incl VAT). Ongoing monthly payment to be via BACS.
h) To consider any quotes for play equipment repairs arising from RoSPA report – nothing to report
180.22 Council Functions:
a) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Neighbourhood Plan review – Regulation 14 consultation with statutory agencies now completed. Amendments currently being made – next meeting to be held 18 January 2023.
b) Bus matters:
To review, discuss and take any necessary action in relation to CallConnect bus services through village – no response received from Sir Edward Leigh MP. C/Cllr Sue Rawlins reported that discussions are ongoing regarding CallConnect timetabling. Further approaches to be made to P C Coaches in relation to extension of the service operating Lincoln/Nettleham.
Action: Chair
c) To receive a proposal to adopt draft Pension Contribution and Employers Discretion Policy (Pension). Noted draft policy distributed prior to meeting. Resolved Policy be adopted.
Action: Clerk to display on SPC website.
d) Lincolnshire Pension Fund Valuation Results:
note proposed minimum contribution rates for employers from 1 April 2023 – 21 March 2026 as: 23.9% (year ending 31 March 2024); 25.2% (year ending 31 March 2025); 26.6% (year ending 31 March 2026) Resolved figures be accepted
Resolve to sign required declaration form to certify the abovementioned contributions that SPC will pay over the next three years Resolved declaration be signed
Action : Clerk
e) To note October play inspection - noted
181.22 Financial matters
a) Current financial statement – statement circulated prior to meeting. Resolved statement be accepted.
b) To approve grass cutting and maintenance quotation of £7949.52 – noted quotation received from Glendale Countryside. Resolved quotation be accepted with minor amendments.
Action: Clerk
To approve quotes for maintenance of planters as follows:
Summer 2023: £590.31 + £118.06 Vat, Total £708.37
Winter 2023: £480.33 + £96.07 vat, Total £576.40
Resolved noted quotations received from Rudies Roots, Nettleham be accepted.
Action: Clerk
c) To note reappointment of PKF Littlejohn LLP as external auditor for financial periods 2022-23 to 2026-27 - noted
d) Invoices for payment to be agreed (All). Resolved following payments be made.
Detail |
Exc VAT |
Inc Vat |
Wifi Broadband provision at village hall (reimbursed by WLDC) |
37.16 |
7.43 |
44.59 |
Pauline Sargeant |
Quarter 3 bus shelter cleaning |
250.00 |
250.00 |
Glendale |
Grasscutting/groundworks Rec Centre can’t find invoice |
69.37 |
13.87 |
83.24 |
Cllr Cathryn Nicoll |
Expenses |
49.32 |
1.79 |
51.11 |
Mrs M Vail (Clerk) |
Net Salary, August (9 hrs), 5th Sept – 31st Dec |
1563.18 |
1563.18 |
PAYE, NI, August (9 hrs), 5th Sept – 31st Dec |
779.69 |
779.69 |
LCC Pension |
Pension, August (9 hrs), 5th Sept – 31st Dec |
632.77 |
632.77 |
Mrs M Vail (Clerk) |
Expenses - November |
11.00 |
11.00 |
Welton PC |
Play area inspections 13/10/22 and 22/11/22 should be monthly |
40.00 |
40.00 |
Cllr Jane Johnson |
Expenses – printer ink Best Garden Competition |
30.00 |
6.00 |
36.00 |
Scothern Methodist Church |
Neighbourhood Plan meetings (3) |
75.00 |
75.00 |
Scothern Methodist Church |
Parish Council meetings (3) |
75.00 |
75.00 |
Hallmarque |
PAT Testing Christmas tree lights |
12.00 |
12.00 |
LAB Planning Services |
Neighbourhood Plan work ref. Regulation 14 consultation |
1200.00 |
1200.00 |
182.22 Village maintenance:
a) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance (RC) – nothing to report
b) To receive any update from LCC regarding when enforcement action will take place in respect of an overgrown hedge on Lime Tree Paddock – noted copy email received from resident to Lincs CC indicating hedge will be cut back during January 2023.
183.22 Highways:
a) Update report (JLRF)
Glendale final weed treatment on Sudbrooke Road and kerb on west side – Glendale to complete.
WLDC road sweeping – completed.
b) To discuss and take any necessary action following any response from LCC to request they check the offlets and gullies; and to jet drains, regarding flooding on Main Street, adjacent to number 23, and resurfacing of Dunholme Road and Main Street – nothing to report
c) To receive any update from LCC, and take any necessary action, regarding flooding issues on Craypool Lane – nothing to report but ongoing
d) Beck:
To receive update on beck cutting by contractor - done
To receive update on clearing of section of beck by Witham Third IDB - done
To receive any update from LCC as to when support put in where beck wall is damaged, will be removed – nothing to report
184.22 Planning matters:
a) 145096 - Hybrid planning application: proposed 57km pipeline scheme between Elsham and Lincoln, a 1.5km spur at Welton, associated above ground infrastructure at Elsham, together with outline planning application for associated ground infrastructure at Welton with access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent application – awaiting determination.
b) 145704 - Planning application: proposed first floor extension over former double garage and 2no. rear single storey extension - Thistle Grove 40 Sudbrooke Road Scothern Lincoln LN2 2UZ – awaiting determination.
c) 145522 - Farm yard to East of Red Barn Farm Langworth Road Scothern Lincoln LN2 2UP - Planning application for new service road to the barns and farmyard – approved with conditions.
d) Planning Inspectorate Appeal Ref: APP/N2535/W/22/3306219.
144213 - Land to rear of Weir Farm Paddock, Scothern.Outline planning application to erect up to 36no. dwellings - access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications – agreed response to Planning Inspectorate reinforcing traffic numbers through the village, land not included in the existing and emerging Central Lincolshire Local Plans and Scothern Neighbourhood Development Plans.
185.22 Field paths
To discuss any maintenance due to the village fieldpaths (BP)
Report of broken gate on path running from Orchard Close – nothing to report
186.22 Reports – to receive update reports:
a) Grange Park (CN)
i. To receive an update regarding work to the damaged fence Grange Park - Barbers Farm – nothing to report
ii. To receive an update from the working group – nothing to report.
b) Scothern Recreation Centre and Spirit of Scothern – receive update report (JLF)
£98,600 in hand
Flix in Stix continues to be successful
King Charles III Coronation celebration event being planned
Tracey Borman event being planned
Christmas Tea – successful event held however not as well supported as last year
Proposed new hall not now being planned – looking at refurbishment/alterations to existing hall.
187.22 Correspondence – for information only
a) LALC newsletter – weekly
b) WLDC Parish News 14th Edition
188.22 Next meeting – Wednesday 11 January 2023 at 7.30pm at The Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern
The Chair offered seasons greetings and closed the meeting at 21:44