March 2022 Minutes

A meeting of Scothern Parish Council took place on Wednesday 9th March 2022 at 7.30pm in The Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern.
Cllrs Mrs C Nicoll (Chair) (CJN), J Fotheringham (JLF), D Canton (DC), R Creaser (RC), J Johnson (JJ) and B Patchett (BP)
In attendance:
9 members of the pUBLIC
Clerk, Mrs L Richardson
Apologies received: County Cllr Sue Rawlins and District Cllr Bob Waller
Housekeeping – Given by the Chair
External Reports
a) Police Update – None received
b) District Councillor Report – None received
c) County Councillor Report – None received
Public Session
Public transport: the following comments and information received
- Distances between a direct route Welton/Lincoln via the A46 and to divert via Scothern.
- The number of residents in the village taken from 2012 Census. Noted that bus service is needed to prevent residents leaving the village.
- Properties are being built on the basis that there is a bus service.
- Public meeting needs to be held with Stagecoach and Lincolnshire County Council where credible information can be presented to the residents in relation to the withdrawal/restoration of a bus service.
- Welton and Cherry Willingham would appear to have bus services that are not used to capacity.
- No facilities in Scothern therefore bus service is needed.
Parking: Visitors/staff parking near St Luke’s are parking on the footpath causing road safety issues, particularly for wheelchair and push chair users who are having to go on the road. Chair suggested that when this problem is encountered the Police via telephone 101 is contacted at that time so that Police can view and take the necessary action at the time.
Meeting called to order: 19:47
Apologies for Absence
None received
Declarations of Interest (Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary
None received
Minutes of previous meetings Notes of the Council Meeting held on 9th February 2022 – to receive, approve and sign as minutes
Proposed Cllr Canton, seconded Cllr Fotheringham and agreed by all to sign the notes of the last meeting as a true record.
Update Reports:
a. To receive an update regarding the Community Speed Initiative
Cllr Canton reported that two signs are currently positioned around the village.
The extra solar panel and accessories sent in error now collected. Invoice amount has been queried following the delivery of unordered goods. Cllr Canton will continue to chase the actual outstanding amount due for payment.
New software has been downloaded for the signs – however, this does not connect correctly. Several conversations taken place with Elan to resolve the technical issue but have been unsuccessful.
Cllr Creaser proposed that the invoice is not paid until this situation has been resolved.
No speed watch sessions have taken place.
Action: Cllr Canton
b. To receive an update regarding drainage issues on Sudbrooke Road, including traffic arrangements for the road closure
The drainage scheme has been confirmed to go ahead with a start expected in the middle of April 2022.
Prior to this, there will be a public meeting hosted by Lincolnshire County Council to provide information to residents and answer any questions.
c. To receive an update on the maintenance and possible relocation of the War Memorial
Two possible locations have been identified within the Churchyard. Final location will be decided at the next PPC meeting.
Grant White (WLDC Grants Officer) confident funding towards proposal can be obtained..
A contractor has also been asked to tender a quote for the work needed.
Council Functions:
a. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the reinstatement of public transport, including a shopper bus
Letters have been sent to Lincolnshire County Council, Stagecoach, PC Coaches, Sir Edward Leigh (MP), Michael Gove (Secretary of State for Levelling Up) and County Councillor Sue Rawlins to request extra bus services, numbers of passengers etc. This information has been requested under the Freedom of Information Act.
The Clerk to chase a response from Lincolnshire County Council during the week commencing 14th March 2022. Response received from Stagecoach (D Skepper, Commerical Director). Further action to be agreed and discussed when all responses received.
It was requested that a full update be included in the Parish Magazine.
Action: Clerk
b. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Review (CLLP)
Draft CLLP was approved at a committee meeting on 28th February 2022.
Appears to be some confusion regarding further opportunity to submit comments regarding this.
Luke Brown, Neighbourhood Plan specialist has indicated to Chair that comments should be able to be made under their regulation 19 publicity period in the consultation starting on 14th March 2022.
Proposed Cllr Mrs Nicoll, seconded Cllr Fotheringham and agreed by all to call a special meeting should it be required, if the consultation period is short and ends prior to or around the next Parish Council Meeting.
Action: Clerk and Chair
c. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Neighbourhood Plan review
A meeting has taken place and the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) has been reviewed and amended where necessary.
Draft NP has assumed that the development locations set out in the draft CLLP will be approved.
A timeline has been compiled of actions and tasks.
A public drop in event on Saturday 23rd April 2022 is being organised – To be confirmed following the Review groups next meeting on 16th March 2022.
The Clerk will include this in the Parish Magazine when confirmed by the Chair.
Action: Clerk and Chair
d. To receive a proposal to adopt the following policies and procedures, following review:
Data Audit/Data Protection Policy/ Handling Complaints Policy/ Publication Scheme/ Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Risk Assessment
Proposed Cllr Patchett, seconded Cllr Canton and agreed by all to approve the revised Data Protection Policy and the Handling Complaints Policy. Data Audit and Publication Scheme – Cllr Johnson and Clerk to meet and review together.
Standing Order and Financial Regulations – Cllrs Mrs Nicoll, Johnson and the Clerk to revise together.
Risk Assessment – Clerk to review
Noted Health and Safety Policy also needs review.
Action: Clerk, Cllr Mrs Nicoll and Johnson
e. To receive and agree to adopt the updated Parish Council Code of Conduct, all Councillors to sign the receipt of acceptance
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Canton and agreed by all to adopt the updated Parish Council Code of Conduct as disseminated by West Lindsey District Council.
All Councillors signed receipt of the Code of Conduct – the Clerk will forward a copy of this to West Lindsey District Council.
Action: Clerk
Financial matters
a. Current financial statement
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Patchett and agreed by all to accept the current financial statement, subject to minor amendments and clarifications.
b. To receive an update regarding CIL payments due for the development on Dunholme Road
£1940.18 CIL payment to be received 28 April 2022.
c. To receive an update from Scothern Recreation Centre regarding a financial contribution to work to the perimeter of the playing field – One off clear of “dumped” trees etc and strim at a cost of £600 and a monthly strim during growing season of £26 per occasion
Scothern Recreation Centre has agreed to pay half of the cost of the one of clear and strim at a cost of £300 (total cost is £600 exc VAT).
Scothern Cricket Club to be requested to maintain the perimeter of the playing field on an ongoing basis.
The Clerk will accept the quote for the one off strim/clearance of “dumped” trees etc and invoice Scothern Recreation Centre accordingly.
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Johnson and agreed by all to pay the invoice before the year end if possible.
Action: Clerk
d. To receive a request for a financial donation from Scothern Recreation Centre towards the platinum jubilee celebrations in the village
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded CllrPatchett and agreed by all to support the event by paying for the lighting and PA to a cost of £300 or below excluding VAT.. The invoice should be sent directly to the Parish Council for payment.
Action: Clerk
e. Invoices for payment to be agreed (All)
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Johnson and agreed by all to make the following payments:
Supplier Detail Gross VAT Net
Multidata Broadband 44.59 0.00 44.59
Mrs L Richardson Clerks Salary and Expenses 471.53 0.00 471.53
Glendale Village Maintenance 180.00 30.00 150.00
Mrs P Sargeant Bus Shelter Cleaning 250.00 0.00 250.00
Elan City Speed Signs TBC
Proposed Cllr Mrs Nicoll, seconded Cllr Canton and agreed by all to make the payment to Elan City when the invoice amount and technical issues have been resolved. If the invoice is not paid before the year end, the Clerk will earmark the amount for payment in the next financial year.
Action: Clerk and Cllr Canton
Highways and Maintenance:-
a. Update report
b. To receive a letter from Karen Cassar, Assistant Director of Highways, Lincolnshire County Council via Sir Edward Leigh MP in relation to maintenance work requested of LCC Highways and take any necessary action
Noted that a reply has been received from Karen Cassar, Assistant Director of Highways, Lincolnshire County Council via Sir Edward LeighMP regarding maintenance required around the village. Responses as detailed to be made directly to Sir Edward and copied to Karen Cassar, CC Sue Rawlins.
c. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding an overgrown hedge on Lime Tree Paddock
Proposed Cllr Johnson, seconded Cllr Fotheringham and agreed by all to reply to Sir Edward requesting that enforcement action is taken for the hedge to be cut back to the back edge of the path at the end of nesting season. Noted that this has been an ongoing issue since 2014.
d. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding maintenance required to the cycle path on the east side of Sudbrooke Road
Noted email received from Joe Phillips, Highways Officer, LCC January 2021 10 January 2021 that maintenance work would be carried out within LCC maintenance programme. To be pursued.
e. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the resurfacing of the footpath on the west side of Sudbrooke Road
County Cllr Rawlins has notified Chair that application to the volunteer scheme for this project has been unsuccessful. Council to continue to pursue through LCC.
f. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the resurfacing of Dunholme Road and Main Street
The Clerk will add the timeline of the Dunholme Road maintenance request to Council’s Facebook and Website, copy attached
Action: Clerk
g. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding flooding on Main Street, adjacent to number 23
No further update to minute
h. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the pothole outside of 16 Main Street
No update to minute
i. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the potholes on Main Steet towards Langworth Road
No update to minute – Cllr Fotheringham to report these to Lincolnshire County Council
Action: Cllr Fotheringham
j. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the potholes on Vicarage Lane
These have been re-reported following Fix my Street advising “no action required” on original report – No action yet taken.
k. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding maintenance required to the small wooden gate on Chapel Walk
The Clerk has requested the maintenance work to be carried out by the footpaths department.
l. To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the maintenance and/or replacement of the Council noticeboard outside of the Recreation Centre
No further quotes have been received – the quote from Jacob Fotheringham for £784 has been accepted.
m. To receive an email from a resident regarding various items of maintenance in the village
Council have noted the items.
Planning matters: -
a. 142777 – Land adj. The Croft, 22 Dunholme Road – Planning Appeal to convert and extend garage to form 1no. dwelling – decision awaited from Planning Inspectorate
b. 144176 – 22 Sudbrooke Road – Planning application for removal of conservatory, rear extension, car port and creation of first floor with ridge lift – Undergoing public consultation
c. 144213 – Land to the rear of Weir Farm Paddock – Outline planning application to erect up to 36no. dwellings – access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications – Undergoing public consultation
d. 144296 – Pyewipe Farm, Northing Lane – Planning application to install a ground mount solar panel system comprising of 56no. panels in 2 x rows of 28 – discuss and submit comments to WLDC – Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Patchett and agreed by all to support the application.
Action: Clerk
e. 144357 – Chesterwood, 30 Main Street – Planning application for first floor extension, together with the installation of 2no. dormers to front elevation – discuss and submit comments to WLDC – Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Creaser and agreed by all to support the application.
Action: Clerk
Field paths - To discuss any maintenance due to the village fieldpaths
Nothing to report
To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Selective Licensing Areas consultation
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Johnson and agreed by all not to submit any comment on this consultation. The Clerk will advise accordingly.
Action: Clerk
Reports – to receive update reports:
a. Grange Park (CN)
- To receive an update regarding work to the damaged fence Grange Park - Barbers Farm - No update to minute
- To receive an update from the working group
- Looking at a Golden Elm to commemorate the Queens Platinum Jubilee
- Scothern Recreation Centre and Spirit of Scothern – receive update report
- Flix in the Stix starting to see more people attending.
- The play advertised in April may not go ahead due to low ticket sales.
- Race night has been cancelled due to low ticket sales.
- The final version of the proposed building has been received and estimated costs awaited.
Correspondence – for information only
- LALC – Weekly Clerks Newsletters
- Multidata – Price increase for broadband
Next meeting– Wednesday 13th April 2022 following the Annual Parish Meeting at The Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern
Meeting closed: 21:45