October 2023 Agenda

Wednesday 11th October 2023 at 7.30pm, Scothern Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern
Public participation – Members of the public may raise subjects they wish to bring to the attention of the Parish Council. Items relating to matters on the agenda will be taken first and any decisions will be made during the meeting. The time will be 15 minutes maximum unless the council decides otherwise. Listeners should note that decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda.
L Brooks-Sleight
Lisa Brooks-Sleight Clerk–RFO
clerk@scothern-pc.gov.uk 6 October 2023
1. Chair’s welcoming comments and housekeeping
2. External Reports
a. District Councillor Report
b. County Councillor Report
3. Public Session – [15 minutes]
Members of the public may ask questions, make short statements, or raise concerns. Council will not make decisions during the public session, but issues raised may become agenda items.
4. To receive apologies and consider reasons for absence.
5. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensation.
Disclosures may be made at any point in the meeting. A Councillor may leave or be asked to leave if dispensation has not been granted or if it would be deemed prejudicial to proceedings.
6. Notes of Council Meeting held on 13 September 2023 to receive, approve and sign as minutes.
7. To discuss and agree any actions in relation to the use of RAF Scampton.
8. To discuss the planted areas on FP149 adjacent to The Alders following request from resident for assistance in removing shrubs to allow new fence to be installed.
9. Update Reports:
a. To receive updates regarding Community Speed Initiative/Speed Indicator Device (DC/RC)
i. To receive downloaded data
ii. To discuss and note updates in relation to recruitment of Speed Watch volunteers.
b. To receive an update on the maintenance and relocation of the war memorial (CJN)
c. To receive updates and discuss play equipment repairs/replacements arising from Playdays report/quotation and discussions with Recreation Centre (JA)
- To discuss bird repellant "spikes" on swings at Recreation Centre
- To receive RoSPA report in relation to play equipment located at Recreation Centre
d. To receive report and discuss any Police matters (All)
e. To receive updates about the Neighbourhood Plan review (CJN)
f. To review, discuss and take necessary action in relation to bus services through village (CJN)
g. To receive /updates report from Working Group relating to the future of Scothern magazine (CJN)
h. To note updates in relation to Christmas events
- Christmas tree lighting event (CJN/BP)
- Christmas Live Advent Calendar (JJ)
10. Council Functions
a. To hear update relating to arranging CPR refresher course (JA)
b. To discuss and agree attendance at training courses (JJ)
c. To discuss and agree date for “community walk” with District Councillor
11. Financial matters
a. Current financial statement (All)
b. List of payments to be agreed
Payee |
Nett |
Gross |
PKLittlejohn |
Ratify payment for AGAR external audit |
210.00 |
.42.00 |
252.00 |
TDP Ltd |
Ratify payment for replacement benches – Grange Park funds |
1270.70 |
254.14 |
1524.84 |
Multidata |
Broadband – Scothern Village Hall – October invoice |
47.94 |
0 |
47.94 |
Springbok |
MS 365 subs/Exchange server subs - October invoice |
41.65 |
8.30 |
49.95 |
Glendale Countryside |
Ground works/grass cutting - August |
1298.57 |
259.69 |
1558.26 |
Cathryn Nicoll |
Chair/Acting Clerk expenses – paper/inkjet cartridge/Poppy Wreath/firebag/cable ties/notice board key |
63.30 |
8.67 |
71.97 |
Welton Parish Council |
Play Equipment Check – 21 August 2023 |
20.00 |
0 |
20.00 |
Tesco Mobile |
Clerk’s mobile telephone (direct debit) |
6.25 |
1.25 |
7.50 |
Clerks |
Salary + expenses |
549.05 |
0 |
549.05 |
12. Village maintenance:
To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance (RC)
13. Highways
a. Update report (CJN)
b. To hear any updates regarding a request to clear offlets and gulleys on Main Street and Dunholme Road and jet drains following resurfacing works
c. To receive updates from LCC and consider actions with regard to flooding issues on Craypool Lane
d. To receive any updates relating to the cycle path (eastern side) of Sudbrooke Road
e. To receive updates relating to footpath (western side) of Sudbrooke Road
f. To receive any updates regarding the extension of the speed limit on Heath Road
g. To request LCC improve the grass verge at end of Elmdene adjacent to St Luke’s Nursing Home to improve parking in the vicinity.
h. To note response from 3rd Witham Internal Drainage Board regarding beck cleaning
14. Planning matters
147330 Planning Application to render dwelling – Providence, 26 Craypool Lane, Scothern
15. Field paths update
To discuss any maintenance due to the village field paths (BP)
16. Reports – to receive update reports:
a. Grange Park Working Group (CJN)
i. To receive an update regarding work to the damaged fence Grange Park/Barber’s Farm
ii. To receive an update from the Working Group
b. To receive any updates from Scothern Recreation Centre and Spirit of Scothern meetings (NR)
17. Correspondence (for information only)
WLDC Notice of meetings
WLDC Temporary Stop Notice – RAF Scampton
LALC – E-news 15 September 2023
LALC – Training bulletin 15 September 2023
Fran and Tim Croydon – email Best Garden Competition
LCC Town and Parish Council Newsletter September 2023
18. Date of next meeting – 8 November 2023