March 2023 Agenda Annual Parish Meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Wednesday 8th March 2023 at 7:30 pm at the Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern 

The meeting will be Chaired by Cllr Mrs Cathryn Nicoll, Chairman of the Parish Council.

This is Scothern residents chance to raise any issues for discussion

The agenda is below however additional items can be added – please email or call Cathryn Nicoll on 07776 240967.


1.    Welcome and Housekeeping

2.    To receive reports from 

a.    County Councillor 

b.    District Councillor

3.    To receive the Chairman’s Report on Parish Council activities for the past year.

4.    To receive Reports from any local organisations present

a.    Update on village hall improvements

5.    To discuss the provision of public transport – members of West Lindsey District Council and Lincolnshire County Council will be present.

6.    To consider any points which any parishioner may wish to raise.

All local government electors for the Parish of Scothern are invited to attend and participate in this meeting.  

The main purpose of this meeting is to hear the views of the residents of Scothern on matters of concern or interest.