November 2023 Agenda

Wednesday 8th November 2023
At 7.30pm
Scothern Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern
Public participation – Members of the public may raise subjects they wish to bring to the attention of the Parish Council. Items relating to matters on the agenda will be taken first and any decisions will be made during the meeting. The time will be 15 minutes maximum unless the council decides otherwise. Listeners should note that decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda.
L Brooks-Sleight
Lisa Brooks-Sleight Clerk–RFO
3 November 2023
168/23 Chair’s Report
169/23 Representatives Reports
a. District Councillor Report
b. County Councillor Report
170/23 Public Participation
To resolve, if necessary, to temporarily suspend the meeting for a period of no more than 15 minutes to allow for a period of public participation. Members of the public
may raise subjects, which they wish to bring to the attention of the Parish Council. Items relating to matters on the agenda will be taken first, and any decisions will be
made when the meeting is declared opened.
171/23 Apologies for Absence
To receive apologies and reasons
172/23 Declarations of Interest
To record declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensation for any listed agenda items.
173/23 Minutes of last Meeting
To approve & sign the Notes of the Council Meeting held on 11th October 2023 as minutes
174/23 Village Flooding
To receive/discuss all information/emails regarding the latest flooding in the village (Main Street/Craypool Lane ) and decide any future actions required
175/23 Clerks Report
To receive Clerk’s report
176/23 Public Footpath -FP149
To receive any updates on ownership, receive quotes for removal & discuss the areas of concern and any future action.
177/23 Play Park
To receive & discuss email regarding broken play equipment and receive quotes to repaint swing/slide & decide future action
178/23 Scothern Magazine
To receive update from the Working Group and decide future action
179/23 Nettleham Neighbourhood Plan Review
To discuss email received and approve any comments to be sent to WLDC
180/23 Bank Mandate
To approve & sign bank mandate to add clerk for online banking
181/23 Grass Cutting Tenders 2024
To discuss and approve grass cutting specifications
182/23 Highways
To discuss and receive any issues/updates
- Notification of Temporary Traffic Order
- Regarding a request to clear offlets and gulley’s on Main Street and Dunholme Road and jet drains following resurfacing works
- The cycle path (eastern side) of Sudbrooke Road
- Footpath (western side) of Sudbrooke Road
- To request LCC improve the grass verge at end of Elmdene adjacent to St Luke’s Nursing Home to improve parking in the vicinity.
183/23 To receive any updates
a. Community Speed Initiative/Speed Indicator Device (DC/RC)
b. Speed watch
c. War memorial (CJN)
d. Police matters
e. Neighbourhood Plan review (CJN)
f. Bus services through village (CJN)
g. Christmas tree lighting event (CJN/BP)
h. Training Courses (JJ)
i. LALC Website maintenance service
j. HMRC, PAYE payments
k. Scothern Recreation Centre and Spirit of Scothern meetings
184/23 CPR Refresher course
To receive dates/times from LIVES and confirm details
185/23 Finance
a. To discuss & approve 2024/25 Budget
b. To discuss & approve the 2024/25 Precept Estimate
c. To approve & sign the monthly accounts for payment
Payee |
Nett |
Gross |
Multidata |
Broadband – Scothern Village Hall – November invoice |
47.94 |
0 |
47.94 |
Springbok |
MS 365 subs/Exchange server subs –monthly DD Nov (mins104/23f) |
41.65 |
8.30 |
49.95 |
Tesco Mobile |
Clerk’s mobile telephone -monthly DD |
6.25 |
1.25 |
7.50 |
Glendale Countryside |
Groundworks/grass cutting September |
530.72 |
106.13 |
636.76 |
Clerk |
Red/tape play park equipment (mins 158/23d) |
6.83 |
1.37 |
8.20 |
Clerk |
Office printer/paper/ink (mins 44/23c) |
100.81 |
20.16 |
120.97 |
Clerk |
Salary + expenses |
467.25 |
0 |
467.25 |
186/23 Village
To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance
187/23 Planning
To receive any decisions and discuss applications received from WLDC
Ref:147330 Planning application for the part change of use and extension of an existing barn to form 1no. annexe -Grove Farm Langworth Road Scothern
Ref:147330 to render dwelling – Providence, 26 Craypool Lane, Scothern
188/23 Grange Park Working Group
To receive an update from the working groups last meeting and work to the damaged fence Grange Park/Barber’s Farm
189/23 Correspondence for information (sent prior)
- Bus Service 43- new timetable
- WLDC Notice of meetings
- LALC – E-news 13/10 & 27/10
- LALC – Training bulletin October 2023
- LCC Town and Parish Council Newsletter October 2023
- Rural Bulletin 31 October 2023
190/23 Agenda items for next meeting to be received by 6th December 2023
191/23 To confirm the date & time of next meeting, Wed 13th December 2023, 7.30pm