December Agenda 2023
Wednesday 13th December 2023
At 7.30pm
Scothern Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern
Public participation – Members of the public may raise subjects they wish to bring to the attention of the Parish Council. Items relating to matters on the agenda will be taken first and any decisions will be made during the meeting. The time will be 15 minutes maximum unless the council decides otherwise. Listeners should note that decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda.
L Brooks-Sleight
Lisa Brooks-Sleight Clerk–RFO 8 December 2023
192/23 Chair’s Report
193/23 Apologies for Absence
To receive apologies and acceptance of any reasons given
194/23 Representatives Report
To receive reports from the District & County Councillors & Police
195/23 Public Participation
To resolve, if necessary, to temporarily suspend the meeting for a period of no more than 15 minutes to allow for a period of public participation. Members of the public
may raise subjects, which they wish to bring to the attention of the Parish Council. Items relating to matters on the agenda will be taken first, and any decisions will be
made when the meeting is declared opened.
196/23 Declarations of Interest
To record declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensation for any listed agenda items.
197/23 Minutes of last Meeting
To approve & sign the Notes of the Council Meeting held on 11th October 2023 and 8th November
2023 as minutes
198/23 Village Flooding
To receive/discuss any information/emails received regarding the October Flooding and decide any
future actions required
199/23 Clerks Report
To receive Clerk’s report
200/23 Dunholme Neighbourhood Plan Review
To discuss email received and approve any comments to be sent to Dunholme PC
201/23 Sudbrooke Neighbourhood Plan Review Consultation
To discuss email received and approve any comments to be sent to Sudbrooke PC
202/23 Play Park
To receive & discuss quotes for the bark at the playpark & decide future actions
203/23 Scothern Magazine
To receive update from the Working Group November meeting and decide future actions
204/23 Play Park Inspection Training
To approve Cllr Atkins attendance on course
205/23 Speed Device Mounting Bar
To discuss the quote received and decide future actions
206/23 Grant Applications
To discuss & approve grant requirements and application form
207/23 Playing Field & Open Churchyard
To receive & discuss emails received regarding grass cutting and decide future actions
208/23 Grass Cutting Tenders 2024
To receive & discuss quotes and approve
209/23 Highways
To discuss and receive any issues/updates
- To request LCC improve the grass verge at end of Elmdene adjacent to St Luke’s Nursing Home to improve parking in the vicinity.
- Craypool Lane
210/23 To receive any Councillor Updates
- Community Speed Initiative/Speed Indicator Device
- Speed watch
- Police matters
- Neighbourhood Plan review
- Scothern Recreation Centre and Spirit of Scothern meetings
- Bus Service survey
211/23 CPR Refresher course
To receive dates/times from LIVES and confirm details
212/23 Office 365/IT
To discuss IT package & decide any future actions
213/23 Finance
- To discuss & approve 2024/25 Budget
- To discuss & approve the 2024/25 Final Precept
- To approve & sign the monthly accounts for payment
Payee |
Nett |
Gross |
Multidata |
Broadband – Scothern Village Hall – December invoice |
47.94 |
0 |
47.94 |
Springbok |
MS 365 subs/Exchange server subs –monthly BACS Dec (mins104/23f) Including £11 support for clerk |
50.82 |
10.13 |
60.95 |
Tesco Mobile |
Clerk’s mobile -monthly DD Dec |
6.25 |
1.25 |
7.50 |
Glendale Countryside |
Groundworks/grass cutting October |
561.03 |
112.20 |
673.23 |
Play Park Inspection Training (mins204/23) |
175.00 |
35.00 |
210.00 |
P Sargent |
Quarter 3 Bus Shelter cleaning |
250.00 |
0 |
250.00 |
Rudies Roots |
Winter planting/maintenance of floral displays |
444.15 |
88.83 |
532.98 |
Clerk |
Floodsax x4 (mins 174/23) Christmas Decoration Prizes 2x£25 (mins 158/23h)
499.64 50.00 |
99.92 0 |
599.56 50.00 |
Welton PC |
Play Equipment Check |
20.00 |
0 |
20.00 |
Clerk |
Salary + expenses |
214/23 Village Maintenance
To discuss and decide any future actions regarding village maintenance
215/23 Planning
To receive any decisions and discuss applications received from WLDC
Ref:147597 for first floor dormer bedroom extension in the detached garage roof including two
Storey link extension between the main house and garage, balcony and rendering, 8 The Alders
Ref:147640 for 1no. detached dwelling being variation of condition 11 of planning permission
146509 granted 8 September 2023 - to amend the location of the building, Land Adjacent to
Stonefield House, 10 Main Street
Ref:147552 Application for a lawful development certificate for the erection of buildings to be used
for stabling, the construction and use of an arena for equestrian uses and the use of the land
for the keeping of horses, land south of 1 Saxon Fields
Ref:147330 to render dwelling – 26 Craypool Lane WLDC Granted time limit plus conditions 9/11/23
216/23 Grange Park Working Group
To receive an update from the working groups last meeting any discussions and decide future actions
217/23 Correspondence for information (sent prior)
- HW Craypool Lane tree confirmation- 21/11/23
- LALC – E-news 24/11/23 -27/11/23
- LALC – E-news 8/12/23 - 8/12/23
- LALC – Training bulletin November 2023- 21/11/23
- LCC Town and Parish Council Newsletter November 2023 -27/11/23
- Nettleham Medical Practice Winter Newsletter – 27/11/23
- Rural Bulletin 21 November 2023- 21/11/23
- Christmas Bus Service Information 5/12/23
218/23 Agenda items for next meeting and to take any points from members
(to be received by 4th January 2024)
219/23 To consider the exclusion of the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies
(Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s1 (2) due to the confidential nature of the items to
be Discussed
220/23 To confirm the date & time of next meeting, Wed 10th January 2024, 7.30pm