April 2023 Agenda

You are hereby Summoned to attend the next meeting of Scothern Parish Council to take place on Wednesday 12 April 2023 commencing at 7.30pm in The Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern. If you are unable to attend, please notify me of your apology as soon as possible.
Signed: Leticia Cooper, Clerk to the Council Date: 30th March 2023
1) Chairwoman’s welcoming remarks and housekeeping
2) External Reports
a) District Councillor Report (RW) - [15 minutes]
b) County Councillor Report (SR) - [15 minutes]
3) Public Session - [15 minutes]
Members of the public may ask questions, make short statements, or raise concerns. The Council
will not make decisions during the public session but issues raised may become agenda items.
4) To receive apologies and consider reasons for absence
5) To receive any Declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensation
Disclosures may be made at any point in the meeting. A Councillor may leave or be asked to leave if dispensation has not been granted or if it would be deemed prejudicial to proceedings.
6) Notes of Council Meetings held 8th March 2023 – to receive, approve and sign as minutes.
a) Annual Parish Meeting 7:30pm
b) Full Parish Council Meeting 8:45pm
7) Update Reports:
a) To receive any updates regarding the Community Speed Initiative - SID (DC/RC)
i) To receive downloaded data#
ii) To note progress with Sign 3 (Main Street) data downloading
iii) To note response from iGas regarding grant application and consider any actions including virement of funds to cover shortfall (CJN)
b) To receive an update on the maintenance and relocation of the war memorial (CN)
* Agree to vire funds from Community Support to earmarked fund “top-up” grant aid.
c) To hear updates about transfer to ‘gov.uk’ email addresses (CN)
d) To receive an update on Central Lincolnshire Plan (CJN)
e) To hear any updates for play equipment repairs arising from RoSPA report (CJN)
f) To receive and discuss any Police matters (All)
g) To hear updates about the draft Neighbourhood Plan review
h) To hear updates about the bus campaign
8) To discuss Community events and/or arrangements for the Coronation of King Charles III (ALL) a) To hear any updates about Parish Council involvement and potential costs
b) To agree and allocate funding from the 2023-24 budget to include any grants which may be requested
9) Council Functions
a) To receive information and hear updates regarding Council Elections (Parish and District) (CJN)
b) To discuss arranging a CPR refresher course
10) To hear an update about the Great British Spring Clean 2023 (JJ)
11) To hear updates about the Best Garden Competition 2023 and agree arrangements.
12) Financial matters
a) Current financial statement (All)
b) List of payments to be agreed. See below. 1(All)
c) Provision of printer for Clerk (LC/CJN)
d) To hear any updates about the compilation of the Asset Register (RC)
Payee | Detail | Exc VAT | VAT | Inc.VAT |
LALC | Annual Training Scheme | 115.00 | 23.00 | 138.00 |
Information Commissioner | ICO Certificate | 35.00 | - | - |
Cllr. Cathryn Nicholls | Expenses - mileage Gainsborough | 17.10 | - | - |
Leticia Cooper | Clerk's salary 13/03/23-31/03/23 | 363.15 | - | - |
Clerk's salary April | 524 |
13) Village maintenance:
a)To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance (RC)
- Parish Noticeboard on Main Street loose at bottom and cannot fully close
b) To hear any updates about the Inspection of Assets
14) Highways
a) Update report (JLRF)
b) To hear any updates regarding a request to check off lets and gulleys on Main Street and
Dunholme Road, to jet drains adjacent to 23 Main Street following resurfacing works on these
c) To receive updates from LCC and consider any actions with regard to flooding issues on
Craypool Lane
d) To receive any updates about the overgrown hedge on Lime Tree Paddock
e) To receive any updates on the cycle path (eastern side) and the footpath (western side) on
Sudbrook Road
f) To receive any updates regarding the extension of the speed limit on Heath Road
g) To consider parking difficulties on the grass at end of Elmdene adjacent to St. Luke’s (NH)
15) Planning matters
a) 144213 – Land to rear of Weir Farm Paddock Scothern – APPEAL PENDING
Outline planning application to erect up to 36no. dwellings- access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications
Appeal Reference: APP/N2535/W22/3306219
b) 146177 – 17 St Germain’s Way Scothern
Planning application for extension to attached garage
c) 146342 – 9 Orchard Close Scothern LN2 2XB
application for single storey rear extensions including first floor front extension and porch extension.
No comment sent by Clerk 29th March 2023 following email consultation.
d) 146418 – Orchard Lodge 14 Dunholme Road Scothern LN2 2UD
application for removal of existing dwelling and erection of 1no. replacement dwelling
All planning applications may be viewed on the West Lindsey District Council Planning Portal. See link below:-
If a decision is reached following issue of the agenda it may be advised at the meeting.
16) Field paths update
To discuss any maintenance due to the village field paths (BP)
17) Reports – to receive update reports:
a) Grange Park Working Group (CJN)
i. To receive an update regarding work to the damaged fence Grange Park/Barber’s Farm
ii. To receive an update from the Working Group
b) To receive any updates from April’s meetings of Scothern Recreation Centre and Spirit of Scothern (JLF)
Recreation Centre met 3rd April 2023, next SOS 11th or 12th April 2023
- To resolve to allow John Fotheringham to attend Recreation Committee meeting in May
18) Correspondence – for information only
a) NALC e-news
b) Rural Bulletin x2
c) LALC e-news 20.03.23
d) LALC reconvened Extra general meeting
19) To agree date for meeting in May following Parish and Council Elections
-Councillors officially take office 9th May 2023.
- WLDC have 3 days to notify Clerk of newly appointed Councillors. Best practice is to give 3 clear days before meeting. Therefore, earliest date meeting should be called is 13th May 2023.
- Dates to avoid: Wednesday 17th May the Methodist Chapel is unavailable, and 18th May the Clerk is unavailable
- To consider other possible dates w/c 15th May 2023 omitting 17th & 18th May
- Please review your diaries before the meeting
Signed: Leticia Cooper, Clerk to the Council Date: 30th March 2023