June 2023 Agenda

A meeting of Scothern Parish Council will be held at 7:30 pm on Wednesday 14 June 2023 at Scothern Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern.
1. Chair’s welcoming comments and housekeeping
2. External Reports
a. District Councillor Report
b. County Councillor Report
3. Public Session - [15 minutes]
Members of the public may ask questions, make short statements, or raise concerns. Council will not make decisions during the public session but issues raised may become agenda items.
4. To discuss and agree arrangements for Council administrative procedures.
5. To receive apologies and consider reasons for absence.
6. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensation.
Disclosures may be made at any point in the meeting. A Councillor may leave or be asked to leave if dispensation has not been granted or if it would be deemed prejudicial to proceedings.
7. Notes of Council Meetings held 10 May 2023 / 24 May 2023 to receive, approve and sign as minutes.
8. Update Reports:
a. To receive updates regarding Community Speed Initiative/Speed Indicator Device (DC/RC)
i. To receive downloaded data
ii. To note progress with Sign 3 (Main Street) data downloading
iii. To discuss any further action regarding the iGas grant award and consider actions
b. To receive an update on the maintenance and relocation of the war memorial (CN)
c. To receive updates about transfer to ‘gov.uk’ email addresses (CN)
d. To receive updates and discuss play equipment repairs/replacements arising from Playdayz report/quotation and discussions with Recreation Centre (CJN)
e. To receive report and discuss any Police matters (All)
f. To receive updates about the draft Neighbourhood Plan review and discuss End of Grant Report(CJN)
g. To review, discuss and take necessary action in relation to bus services through village(CJN)
h. To receive updates about the Best Garden Competition 2023 (JJ)
9. Council Functions
a. To hear any updates about arranging a CPR refresher course (CJN)
b. To note LALC AGM 29 June 2023 to be held remotely
c. To discuss and agree nomination to Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils Management Committee (CJN)
d. To discuss attendance at LALC Summer Conference at Bentley Hotel, South Hykeham on 19 July 2023 at a cost of £25 per delegate (All)
10. Financial matters
a. To receive, discuss and note Internal Audit Report.
b. To receive, discuss and adopt revised Risk Register (JJ)
c. To discuss and consider the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for adoption prior to submission to External Auditors (PKF Littlejohn) (CJN)
d. To receive, discuss and authorise CIL report for submission to WLDC
e. Current financial statement (All)
f. To discuss payment to Springbok Computers for IT services to be made monthly by Direct Debit – cost of £49.95 (including VAT) (Office 365 subscription and Exchange Server space for seven Councillors) (CJN)
g. To agree changes to Bank Mandate and Signatories (CJN)
h. Payments to be agreed.
Payee |
Nett |
Gross |
Springbok Computers |
Ratify payment made 10 November 2022 – external hard drive for historical records |
37.50 |
7.50 |
Scothern Recreation Centre |
Payment of Grant – tables (Community Support Fund) |
1112.72 |
1112.72 |
Scothern Recreation Centre |
Balance of funds from D/Cllr for Coronation Event |
36.14 |
36.14 |
Multidata - broadband |
Village Hall – repaid by WLDC |
47.94 |
47.94 |
Glendale Countryside |
Groundworks |
607.44 |
121.48 |
728.92 |
Pauline Sargeant |
Bus Shelter Cleaning – Quarter 1 |
250.00 |
250.00 |
Springbok Computers Ltd |
IT services - .gov.uk domain (2 years) |
100.00 |
20.00 |
120.00 |
Springbok Computers Ltd |
IT services – Office 365 and Exchange Server (May) |
41.65 |
8.30 |
49.95 |
Springbok Computers Ltd |
IT services – Office 365 and Exchange Server (June) |
41.65 |
8.30 |
49.95 |
Springbok Computers Ltd |
IT services - Office 365 (March/April) |
24.92 |
4.98 |
29.90 |
Zurich Insurance |
Insurance cover |
405.59 |
405.59 |
Bluebell Nurseries |
Tree for Charles III Coronation (Grange Park) |
51.62 |
10.33 |
61.95 |
Cllr C J Nicoll |
Expenses (Prize Coronation competition/mobile telephone charger) |
38.00 |
38.00 |
Scothern Methodist Church |
Meeting Room Hire – Quarter 1 |
100.00 |
100.00 |
Groundwork UK |
Repayment of underspend of Neighbourhood Plan Grant |
597.04 |
597.04 |
11. Village maintenance:
To discuss and take any necessary action regarding village maintenance (RC)
12. Highways
a. Update report (CJN)
b. To hear any updates regarding a request to check offlets and gulleys on Main Street and Dunholme Road, to jet drains adjacent to 23 Main Street following resurfacing works
c. To receive updates from LCC and consider any actions with regard to flooding issues on Craypool Lane
d. To receive any updates about the overgrown hedge on Lime Tree Paddock
e. To receive any updates relating to the cycle path (eastern side) of Sudbrooke Road
f. To receive updates relating to footpath (western side) of Sudbrooke Road
g. To receive any updates regarding the extension of the speed limit on Heath Road
h. To research ownership in relation to the grass verge at end of Elmdene adjacent to St Luke’s Nursing Home to enable investigation to improve parking facility.
13. Planning matters
a. 146418 – Orchard Lodge 14 Dunholme Road Scothern LN2 2UD application for removal of existing dwelling and erection of 1no. replacement dwelling – GRANTED
b. 146509 - Land Adjacent to, Stonefield House, 10 Main Street, Scothern, Lincolnshire, LN2 2UF - application for 1no. detached dwelling with new vehicular access – not
146509 – RECONSULTATION Land Adjacent to, Stonefield House, 10 Main Street - to discuss and submit any further comments.
c. 146582 - Land to the rear of, 16, Church Street, Scothern, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN2 2UA Planning application for 3no. dwellings with new access driveway and associated parking and garaging, and replacement of existing garage to the rear of 16 Church Street – APPLICATION WITHDRAWN
14. Field paths update
To discuss any maintenance due to the village field paths (BP)
15. Reports – to receive update reports:
a. Grange Park Working Group (CJN)
i. To receive an update regarding work to the damaged fence Grange Park/Barber’s Farm
ii. To receive an update from the Working Group
b. To receive any updates from meetings of Scothern Recreation Centre and Spirit of Scothern
16. Correspondence (for information only)
- Letter received from resident circulated to Councillors in relation to planning application off Church Street
- Email received from resident in relation to trees being cut down off Nettleham Road
- LALC News 1, 15, 26 May 2023
- Scothern Recreation Centre regarding frequency of grass cuts
- Note received from resident thanking Council for actions in relation to provision of additional bus services.
- WLDC – Parish News
- Lincolnshire CC – CallConnect changes to demand responsive bus services.
17. Date of next meeting – 12 July 2023
C J Nicoll
Chair – 8 June 2023