October 2019 Minutes

Scothern Parish Council
A meeting of Scothern Parish Council took place on Wednesday 2nd October 2019 in the Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern.
Cllrs Mrs C Nicoll (Chair) (CJN), D Canton (DC), J Fotheringham (JLF), B Patchett (BP) and G Wiswould (GW).
In attendance:
Clerk, Mrs L Richardson
2 members of the public
135.19 Housekeeping
136.19 External Reports
a) Police report – None received
b) District Councillor Report
- There has been a delay on commencing the A46 roundabout near Dunholme due to a delay in compulsory purchase orders.
- WLDC by-election will be held on 24th October due to the resignation of Stuart Kinch in the South Torksey area
- Geoff Summers has decided that he will now lobby for the Independent party, leaving WLDC with a small Conservative majority.
- Mark Sturgess, Chief Operating Officer has now left WLDC
c) County Councillor Report – None received
137.19 Public Session:
Sudbrooke Road flooding – The situation is getting worse and gardens are now being greatly affected. An official complaint has been lodged with Lincolnshire County Council and a meeting with Highways has been arranged for Wednesday 9 October 2019. Cllr Fotheringham has been involved in trying to achieve a resolution. Residents are hoping for the Parish Councils assistance and support to resolve this matter urgently.
138.19 Apologies for Absence: None
139.19 Declarations of Interest (Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary): Cllr Patchett declared an interest in agenda item 142.19h as the property owner.
140.19 Minutes of previous meetings
Notes of the Council Meeting held on 4th September 2019 – to receive, approve and sign as minutes
- Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Patchett and agreed by all that the notes of the last meeting be approved and signed by the Chair.
141.19 Update Reports:
a) Future use of BT phone box – To receive an update regarding the production of information boards – Cllr Mrs Nicoll has been in touch with the supplier regarding production. It is hoped that designs will be available to view at the November meeting. Cllr Mrs Nicoll will continue to pursue.
Action: CJN
b) To receive an update regarding the 2nd village defibrillator and take any necessary action – No update. Cllr Fotheringham will continue to pursue.
Action: JLF
c) To receive an update regarding the erection of a bus shelter on Dunholme Road – Cllr Fotheringham will pursue fixing of guttering, seating and the noticeboard with Deers Leap.
Action: JLF
d) To receive an update regarding the Community Speed Initiative – The latest figures show 9 sessions with 97 vehicles found to be speeding - 2 were recurrent offenders and will receive a police visit. Scothern Recreation centre will take the Councils request for a lockable box in the village hall to next meeting. Cllr Canton will look into prices and sizes of storage.
Action: DC/All
e) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the review of Council policies and procedures including risk assessment – Proposed Cllr Wiswould, seconded Cllr Canton and agreed by all that Councillors will read all of the policies to discuss at the November meeting.
Action: All
f) To approve and adopt Health and Safety Policy – Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Canton and agreed by all that this will be deferred to the November meeting.
142.19 Council Functions:
a) Playpark – To receive and decide upon quotes for recommended work from the annual inspection report – Cllr Fotheringham will advise Scothern Recreation Centre that the picnic benches have damage to the bottom of the legs.
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Patchett and agreed by all to contact Scothern Recreation Centre (SRC) to request the £2259 held by SRC on behalf of the Parish Council to be used for replacement equipment and bark as identified in the recent RoSPA inspection. The Clerk to instruct Playdays of Wragby undertake the necessary work as detailed in email dated 17 September 2019.
Action: JLF/Clerk
b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding a representative to attend the LALC AGM – No Councillors are available to attend.
c) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding Clerk and Councillor training – Councillors should advise the Clerk if they would like to undertake any training.
d) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Best Garden competition – The winners were announced at the Annual produce show
e) To receive feedback in relation to Best Kept Village Competition – Scothern has been awarded runners up in Class 1. Certificate received.
f) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the transfer of banking arrangements – The new account with Lloyds Bank plc has been opened and Council is awaiting the welcome pack including the necessary signatory paperwork. The account will be transferred and used once the October cheques have been cleared by payees.
g) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the loss of bus services in the village
- Noted CallConnect bus standing, on occasions at the bus stop on Dunholme Road waiting for pick time times at other stops in the village – LCC to be asked if this could therefore be utilised as an official bus stop.
Action: CJN
- To receive an update regarding bus stop signs, timetables and road markings in the village
• Noted bus stop adjacent to 12/14 Sudbrooke Road is a “marker” for school buses. LCC willing to place noticeboard on this bus stop giving general information in relation to public transport; agreed this is not necessary, LCC to be advised.
Action: CJN
• LCC offered to mark official bus stops to prevent confusion; agreed offer be accepted.
Action: CJN
• LCC to be asked to advise when review of public transport services is to take place to enable Council to have input to the review.
h) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the boundary of Grange Park and properties to the East – Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Wiswould and agreed by all to support the residents of Vicarage Lane where land abuts Grange Park to correctly identify the boundary. Land Registry to be advised of this support when Ordnance Survey has confirmed the boundary.
i) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Parish Council website – old domain will remain until residents used to new website address. Some uploading of information still to be carried out.
j) To discuss and take necessary action in relation to the annual Christmas Event – The event will take place on 29 November 2019. Cllr Patchett will arrange to get the lights PAT tested via Hallmarque at Welton. Cllr Nicoll to arrange flood lighting.
Action: BP/CJN
k) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding a request from the Parochial Church Council for land in the village for overflow cemetery – The Clerk to contact Russell Clarkson at WLDC for advice.
Action: Clerk
143.19 Financial matters
a) Current financial statement – Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Patchett and agreed by all to accept the current financial statement.
b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the 2020/21 budget and precept setting – Cllrs Mrs Nicoll, Fotheringham and the Clerk will arrange a draft budget for presentation at the November precept meeting.
Action: CJN/JLF/Clerk
c) Invoices for payment to be agreed (all excluding VAT where appropriate) - Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Canton and agreed by all to make the following payments:-
- Multidata – Broadband charges - £38.92
- Mrs L Richardson – Clerks Salary including use of home as office and telephone/broadband costs - £461.00
- Glendale – July and September Grass Cutting - £1598.86
- Glendale – October Grass Cutting - £663.73
- LALC – Councillor Training - £9.60
- Lincoln Road Safety Partnership – 30mph speed signs - £40
144.19 Highways and Maintenance
a) Update report
- Weedkilling around the village has taken place.
- Road sweeping around the village is needed.
- A quote is needed to cut back the hedge between Scothern and Sudbrooke. Clerk to request Sudbrooke Parish Council make a 50% contribution to the cost.
Action: Clerk
- Trevor Hines, Highways, Lincolnshire County Council to be reminded that the footpath on the western side of Sudbrooke Road between the villages should be slurried.
Action: JLF
- Sudbrooke Road drainage – Cllrs Fotheringham and Mrs Nicoll will attend the meeting with Lincolnshire County Council and report findings to the November meeting. The Clerk will email County Councillor Sue Rawlins regarding possible attendance. The Clerk to advise Trevor Hines of attendees.
Action: CJN/JLF
b) To receive and discuss quotes for various tree maintenance required in the village – Proposed Cllr Mrs Nicoll, seconded Cllr Fotheringham and agreed by all to accept quotes to trim back hedge and ivy from Sudbrooke Road to The Alders and cut back both sides and remove waste from The Alders to Grange Park and remove the dead tree from the grass area adjacent to the footpath. The total cost of these comparatively minor works is £250 and will be carried out as a H&S and Duty of Care requirement.
c) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding people leaving cars running outside of the school – The Clerk to request that parent mail is sent out by the school requesting car engines are turned off whilst waiting for children.
Action: Clerk
d) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the 2020/21 village maintenance and grass cutting contracts – The Clerk will send out the schedule for tender for discussion at the November meeting to enable quotations to be obtained.
Action: Clerk
145.19 Planning matters :-
To discuss and take any necessary action regarding Community Infrastructure Levy payment in respect of housing development off Langworth Road – Clerk to request reply from Russell Clarkson at WLDC regarding payment due to the Parish Council and making reference to an email from Lydia Kitchen, WLDC dated 20 February 2019 that indicates payment will be due.
Action: Clerk
146.19 Field Foot Paths (FFPs)
a) To discuss any maintenance due to the village fieldpaths – The paths will be monitored to ensure they are reinstated once harvest has taken place.
b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding FFP162 being used by trial bikes – Note to be put in the parish magazine that “bikers” should not use the FFPs in the interests of safety to walkers. PCSO Jackie Parker to be advised for information.
Action: Clerk
c) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding loose/out of control dogs on FFP’s – Note to be put in the parish magazine advising that dogs should be kept under control at all times when on footpaths and adjacent agricultural land.
Action: Clerk
147.19 Reports
a) Grange Park – receive update report – No update
b) Scothern Recreation Centre and Spirit of Scothern – receive update report – A grant request application form has been received for general improvements to the building and area. There is currently a surplus in the Neighbourhood Plan reserves of £928.70. As the request is for improvements to community facilities identified as an aspiration of the Neighbourhood Plan, it was agreed to make this payment. The balance of funds requested (£471.30), to be discussed at the November meeting and when considering the Precept for 2020/21
Action: Clerk
148.19 Compliance – none
Action: Clerk
149.19 Correspondence – for information only
- LALC – Weekly newsletter
- SRC – Request for continued support to cut play area grass
- St Germains Church – Request for continued support to cut graveyard grass
- WLDC – Response to request for CIL payment
- Reepham Parish Council – Notice of planning training
- Scothern Recreation Centre – Request for a financial grant Clerk
Action: Clerk
150.19 Next meetings
- Monthly Meeting Wednesday 6th November 2019 at 7.30pm at the Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern.
- To agree date for the Budget and Precept meeting of Wednesday 20th November 2019
- To agree date for December meeting of Wednesday 11th December 2019