July 2019 Minutes

A meeting of Scothern Parish Council took place on Wednesday 3rd July 2019 in the Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern.
Present: Cllrs Mrs C Nicoll (Chair) (CJN), D Canton (DC) and J Fotheringham (JLF)
Also in attendance: 26 members of the public and County Councillor Sue Rawlins
Clerk: Mrs L Richardson
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Housekeeping |
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External Reports a) Police report – 4 concerns for safety (live line activation and young person sleeping in the bus shelter), vehicle nuisance, RTC on Nettleham Road, altercation between 2 car drivers in a layby on Sudbrooke Road. b) District Councillor Report – Main concern is the loss of the bus service in the village and a proposal was put forward to request another bus is rerouted through Scothern and Sudbrooke on a trial basis. - The Central Lincolnshire Plan is going through a review consultation c) County Councillor Report – Reports were given in the public session |
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Public Session – It was agreed by all to extend the public session to allow views to be heard regarding the loss of the village bus service – see following page with discussion recorded. Many thanks for the wild flower in Grange Park |
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Apologies for Absence: - Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Canton and agreed by all to accept apologies and reasons for absence from Cllr Patchett. |
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Declarations of Interest (Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary): None |
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Minutes of previous meetings
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Update Reports:
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Council Functions: