April 2019 Minutes APM

Scothern Parish Council
Councillors Mrs Cathryn Nicoll – Meeting Chairman
In attendance:
Clerk – Mrs Laura Richardson
6 members of the public
Welcome and housekeeping – given by Councillor Mrs Cathryn Nicoll.
Apologies for absence – District Councillor Bob Waller, County Councillor Sue Rawlins and Councillor Louise Mumford.
1. Chairman’s Report – Report attached.
2. Progress of Spirit of Scothern – Steve Taylor advised those present that the last year has been a hard year due to a number of factors:-
- Grant support was lost for Flix in the Stix, however, Cllr Waller was able to offer funding to purchase equipment to enable the nights to go ahead.
- Lost revenue from Kids Club who relocated the local primary school.
- Grant application to the PC was declined for new kitchen equipment.
- The Kinch development was refused and therefore no financial gain was made to the village hall.
- New members have joined Spirit of Scothern recently.
- Professional advice has been taken and Plan B is now going ahead – refurbishment of the hall instead of a new build.
- A new village hall website is being set up and a new Facebook page has been set up.
- Lighting around the car park has raised a concern.
3. To receive reports from local organisations
a) County Councillor Sue Rawlins – Report attached
- Resident comment – road filling is of a very poor quality and wonders what the criteria is to fill in a hole when one pot hole is filled but an adjoining one isn’t?
b) District Councillor Bob Waller – Report attached
c) Baby and Toddler Group – It is with great regret that Bev Bell has announced the closure of the baby and toddler group due to low attendance numbers.
4. To consider any points raised by parishioners
- Resident comment – WLDC need to be reminded that the District includes a lot of different areas and not just Gainsborough. Scothern and local areas seem to get the building developments but no financial gains.
Presentation of the Community Volunteer of the Year award
The 2018/19 Community Volunteer of the Year was awarded to Brian Beardsall for his work in connection with the Methodist Church, charity work, being a helpful neighbour, helping at the school and being a driver for Welton Surgery.
Meeting closed: 19.30