February 2019 Minutes

Scothern Parish Council
A meeting of Scothern Parish Council took place on Wednesday 6th February 2019 at the Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern.
Present: Cllr Mrs C Nicoll (Chair) (CJN), J Fotheringham (JLF), Mrs M Tointon (MT) and Ms L Mumford (LM)
Also present: 4 members of the public
Clerk: Mrs L Richardson
18.19 Housekeeping arrangements given by Chair.
19.19 External Reports
a) Police report – The following incidents were reported:-
Heath Road – Vehicle Offences – Tractor broken into overnight and battery stolen.
Main Street – Concern for Safety – Fire at St Luke’s Nursing home
A burglary took place in Stainton by Langworth where a quantity of money and jewellery were taken.
b) District Councillor Report – Not present
c) County Councillor Report – Not present
Public Session
- Queries were made regarding the condition of the grass verges/footpaths being utilised by contractors on Dunholme Road.
Apologies for Absence:
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Mrs Tointon and agreed by all to accept apologies and reasons for absence from Cllr Patchett.
22.19 Declarations of Interest (Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary): None
23.19 Minutes of previous meetings
a) Notes of the meeting held on 2nd January 2019 – to receive, approve and sign as minutes – Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Mrs Tointon and RESOLVED that the notes of the last meeting be approved and signed by the Chair.
With the approval of council Item 25.19(a) was discussed at this point to allow newly co-opted Councillor Derek Canton to participate fully in the meeting.
24.19 Update Reports:
a) Future use of BT phone box – To receive an update regarding information boards
Cllr Mrs Nicoll advised the Council that funding from iGas has been secured for the production and installation of the information boards. Cllr Ms Mumford to obtain confirmation of costs for forwarding to iGas.
Action: LM
b) To receive an update regarding the 2nd village defibrillator and take any necessary action, including decision regarding quotations for electricity supply
Noted school waiting for available funding to carry out conversion to all the car park lighting to make the electricity supply permanent. Quotes have been received for the Parish Council to install a spur for the defibrillator unit. Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Mrs Tointon and RESOLVED to accept quotation £253.92 from Brook & Mayo.
c) To receive an update regarding the erection of a bus shelter on Dunholme Road – Deers Leap obtaining quotations for the erection of the bus shelter. Also noted agreement to supply and fix a seat and noticeboard to the bus shelter once erected. Cllr Fotheringham to pursue.
Action: JLF
d) To receive results and comment sheets for the 2018 Best Kept Village Competition – Results and judge’s comments received. These have been circulated in the Clarion and the Clerk will circulate in the Scothern Parish Magazine.
Action: Clerk
25.19 Council Functions:
a) Council Vacancies
- To receive applications for co-option to the Council - Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Mrs Tointon and agreed by all to co-opt Derek Canton to Parish Council. A code of conduct had previously been provided and agreed to. Cllr Canton signed a Declaration of Acceptance of office.
b) Playpark
To discuss and take any necessary action regarding maintenance required to the playpark – No action is required.
c) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding quotes for a replacement rocker – Proposed Cllr Ms Mumford, seconded Cllr Mrs Tointon and agreed by all to purchase a replacement chicken for £1270 and to replace the chains as necessary on the chain bridge via Playdays.
Action: Clerk
d) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the purchase of related equipment for the Speed Initiative –
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Ms Mumford and agreed by all to purchase the following equipment:
Community speed watch hand held radar - £239
Complete F1 Sign Kit (including carry bag) - £68.20
4 x zip high vis jackets £46.44
To confirm training date and location –Clerk to liaise with the volunteers and Scothern Village Hall to arrange a suitable training date and time. Noted hire costs of £9.50 per hour for the village hall.
Clerk will check insurance coverage for the volunteers.
Action: Clerk
e) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding communication with electors via a possible new website and social media – Proposed Cllr Mrs Tointon, seconded Cllr Ms Mumford and agreed by all to produce a new website page through Lincolnshire County Council. Cllr Mrs Tointon and Clerk will arrange the content.
Proposed Cllr Mrs Tointon, seconded Cllr Ms Mumford and agreed by all to produce an information only Facebook page. Clerk will administer this page.
Social media policy to be compiled.
Action: Clerk/MT
f) To note receipt of Freedom of Information request regarding the SRC grant application for kitchen equipment – Noted.
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Mrs Tointon and agreed by all that Cllrs Fotheringham, Tointon and Clerk to have delegated powers to make necessary response. Advice to the sought from LALC.
Action: Clerk
g) To note receipt of a complaint regarding the handling of application number 138563 – Noted
To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Annual Parish Meeting and 2019 Community Award – Proposed Cllr Ms Mumford, seconded Cllr Fotheringham and agreed by all to hold the Annual Parish Meeting on Wednesday 3rd April 2019 at 7pm. The Clerk to request nominations for the community volunteer of the year award in the Parish Magazine. A certificate and voucher for £25 will be purchased for the winner.
Action: Clerk/MT/JLF
Financial matters
a) Current financial statement – Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Ms Mumford and agreed by all to accept the current financial statement.
b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding maintenance required / replacement of the Parish Council laptop – laptop has been serviced and appears to be running better. The Clerk will advise the Council should this change.
c) Invoices for payment to be agreed (all excluding VAT where appropriate) – Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Ms Mumford and agreed by all to make the following payments:
- Mrs L Richardson – Clerks Salary including use of home as office and telephone/broadband costs - £448.52
- Multidata – January Broadband Charges - £38.92
- Glendale – Grass Cutting, Grange Park (Orchard) and hedge line Sudbrooke Road - £525.02 (nb: 50% of costs of hedge line cutting on Sudbrooke Road to be met by Sudbrooke Parish Council)
- Playmaintain – Play area Inspection - £110
- Traffic Tech UK – Community speed watch speed radar - £229
- Protectsigns Ltd – F1 advisory sign kit - £68.20
- Welton Parish Council – Play area bi monthly check - £20
Ac tion:
27.19 Highways and Maintenance
a) Update report – Cllr Fotheringham gave the following updates:-
- Potholes on Main Street have been reported.
- LCC have plans to resurface Main Street from Heath Road to the Pub once the Deers Leap development has been finished.
- Resident complaint - overhanging trees on Nettleham Road – these have been reported.
- The footpath on Dunholme Road is due to be cleaned by the contractor.
- Vehicles are still parking on Dunholme Road and blocking the path. Cllr Fotheringham proposed, seconded Cllr Ms Mumford and agreed by all to put wooden stakes and tape around the area to prevent parking. A total budget of £65 was agreed to cover expenses.
Action: JLF
b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the provision of grit bins for the village – LCC advised that following a site visit, Heath Road did not fit the criteria for installation of grit bin. Noted grit bin on Nettleham Road replaced.
28.19 Planning matters –
a) 137918 – Land adj. to South Dene – Planning application to vary condition 6 of planning permission 131757 granted 15 May 2015 re: approved drawings – To receive an update on any CIL payments due – The Clerk will continue to chase a response from WLDC.
b) 138563 – Land off Dunholme Road – Outline planning application to erect 6no. dwellings with all matters reserved – resubmission of application 136737 – Refused
c) 138808 – Land adj to Sothern Nurseries - Application for non-material amendment to planning permission 137555 granted 25 May 2018 to move the dwelling further back into the plot, realignment of the proposed access and modification to the window design – Undergoing public consultation
d) 138494 – Land at rear of 26 Craypool Lane - Planning application for erection of detached dwelling and integrated garage – Discuss and submit comments to WLDC – Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Mrs Tointon and agreed by all to support the application.
Action: Clerk
29.19 Consultations
a) To discuss and submit any comments to LCC regarding the Transport Strategy engagement document – no comments to submit.
30.19 Fieldpaths
a) To receive an update regarding maintenance of the village fieldpaths – No update
b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding maintenance to Fieldpaths 149 and 153 – County Councillor Rawlins reported that LCC have no funds for field footpaths, however, should they be successful in obtaining further funding from central government the request will be revisited.
31.19 Reports
a) Grange Park – to receive report
- Meeting held on 14th January, minor works were undertaken and more identified.
- Tree causing concern that is being watched.
- The memorial tree is looking very good.
- The main noticeboard has water inside it and needs maintaining – The Clerk will contact Jacob Fotheringham for a quote to replace the internal noticeboard – both cork and magnetic.
b) Scothern Recreation Centre and Spirit of Scothern – receive update report
- A special meeting was called on 28th January 2019 to discuss the refusal on the Dunholme Road application and the way forward.
- Events have been arranged for the coming months.
- A meeting is to be arranged with LK2 to discuss future options.
32.19 Compliance – none
33.19 Correspondence – for information only
- SRC – 2nd Freedom of Information request
- LCC – Poster on transport strategy engagement
- WLDC – Election forms
- LALC training schedule
34.19 Next meetings
Monthly Meeting Wednesday 6th March 2019 at 7:30pm at the Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern.
35.19 a) To resolve to close the meeting to Press and Public to discuss staff matters.
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Mrs Tointon and agreed by all to close the meeting to Press and Public to discuss staff members.
b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Clerks appraisal.
Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Mrs Tointon and agreed by all - The Clerks annual appraisal has taken place and agreed.