April 2019 Minutes

Scothern Parish Council
A meeting of Scothern Parish Council took place on Wednesday 3rd April 2019 at the Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern following the Annual Parish meeting.
Cllrs C Nicoll (Chair)(CJN), D Canton (DC), J Fotheringham (JLF), B Patchett (BP) and Mrs M Tointon (MT)
In attendance:
Clerk: Mrs L Richardson
3 Members of the public
53.19 Housekeeping – Given prior to the Annual Parish Meeting
54.19 External Reports
a) Police report – None received
b) District Councillor Report – Noted during the APM
c) County Councillor Report – Noted during APM
55.19 Public Session – No comments made
56.19 Apologies for Absence: Proposed Cllr Canton, seconded Cllr Patchett and RESOLVED to accept the apologies and reasons for absence from Cllr Mrs Mumford.
57.19 Declarations of Interest (Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary): None
58.19 Minutes of previous meetings
a) Notes of the meeting held on 6th March 2019 – to receive, approve and sign as minutes – Proposed Cllr Mrs Tointon, seconded Cllr Fotheringham and RESOLVED that the notes of the last meeting be approved and signed by the Chair.
Action: All
59.19 Update Reports:
a) Future use of BT phone box – To receive an update regarding the production of information boards –Parish Council is awaiting confirmation of the funding from iGas.
Action: CJN
b) To receive an update regarding the 2nd village defibrillator and take any necessary action –Parish Council is awaiting confirmation from the school regarding funding to allow alterations needed to electricity supply at school.
Action: JLF
c) To receive an update regarding the erection of a bus shelter on Dunholme Road –erection will commence in the very near future.
d) To receive an update regarding the new Parish Council website and Facebook page –new website has been set up by LCC and therefore transferring the information from the current website to the new website can start. A Facebook page has been set up and will be made public shortly.
Action: MT/Clerk
60.19 Council Functions:
a) Playpark
To receive an update regarding work being undertaken to the play area.
• The chicken rocker should be installed soon.
• The maintenance work to the metal bridge links will take place at the same time.
• The new wooden shuttering around the swings has a gap and so small amounts of bark are being kicked under the gap; Playdays to be asked to rectify this.
To discuss and take any necessary actions regarding the annual play area safety inspection – quotation to be requested from RoSPA.
b) To receive an update regarding the Community Speed Initiative and to confirm training date and location – Dates and times are currently being circulated and agreed between the police, volunteers and training locations.
Action: Clerk/DC
c) To receive an email regarding the planting of trees along Dunholme Road and take any necessary action – Cllrs Fotheringham and Mrs Tointon have looked at the area and believe that there is insufficient space to plant trees whilst keeping a safe boundary, the drainage dyke also needs to be considered. The issue of long-term maintenance was also raised as there are a number of problem trees already in the village. Resident to be advised accordingly.
Action: Clerk
d) To sign and return the LCC 2019/20 Grass Cutting contribution form – Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Patchett and RESOLVED to sign and return the LCC 2019/20 grass cutting contribution form.
Action: Clerk
e) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding communications received from Scothern Recreation Centre in relation to a formal complaint response – The response from Scothern Recreation Centre was circulated prior to the meeting. No further action is required.
f) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Best Garden competition Cllr Mrs Mumford has indicated that she will continue to judge the Best Garden competition.
g) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding:-
- Parish Council Election procedures – Thanks were expressed to those Councillors who are standing down.
61.19 Financial matters
a) Current financial statement – Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Patchett and RESOLVED to accept the current financial statement.
b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the 2018/19 Audit process – An audit date of 1st July 2019 has been received. Bridget Solly has been asked to carry out the internal audit.
Action: Clerk
c) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding planter sponsorship – Deers Leap have agreed to sponsor the planter on Dunholme Road. Agrex have agreed to sponsor a planter. The Parish Council is awaiting confirmation from Moy Park. The Clerk will contact a local business that has expressed an interest in sponsoring a planter (Craypool Lane/Sudbrooke Road junction).
Action: Clerk/JLF
d) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the purchase of a resident celebration gift – Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Mrs Tointon and RESOLVED to set a budget of £40 to purchase a flower arrangement as a celebration gift.
Action: CJN/MT
e) Invoices for payment to be agreed (all excluding VAT where appropriate) – Proposed Cllr Mrs Tointon, seconded Cllr Fotheringham and RESOLVED to make the following payments:
- Mrs L Richardson – Clerks Salary including use of home as office and telephone/broadband costs - £461.00
- Multidata – March Broadband Charges - £38.92
- Best Kept Village Competition - £18
- ICO – Data Protection Fee - £40
- LALC – Annual Subscription - £250.64
- LALC – Annual Training Scheme – £108
- Welton Parish Council – Play area Check - £20
- Scothern Parish Council – Play Area Maintenance Transfer - £1500
62.19 Highways and Maintenance
a) Update report – general maintenance issues have been reported.
b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding bus stop signs and road markings – issue has been submitted to LCC; signage has been added to LCC works list. The Clerk will request for bus stop signs (including timetables) on Dunholme Road, Church Street and Nettleham Road. The bus stop on Sudbrooke Road is no longer in use, LCC to be requested to remove it or have a notice placed to advise no longer in use.
Action: Clerk
c) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding maintenance required to the village noticeboards – Proposed Cllr Patchett, seconded Cllr Mrs Tointon and RESOLVED to put a magnetic board in the Parish Council noticeboard outside of the village hall by Jacob Fotheringham at a cost of £183.
63.19 Planning matters –
a) 138949 – Land at rear of 26 Craypool Lane - Planning application for erection of detached dwelling and integrated garage – Undergoing public consultation.
b) 139025 – 37 Sudbrooke Road – Prior approval to extend dwellinghouse 6.5m from rear wall of original dwellinghouse, 2.2m to height of eaves of enlarged part of dwellinghouse and 4.0m to highest point of enlarged part of dwellinghouse – Undergoing public consultation
c) 138910 – Land adj to Scothern Nurseries - Planning application for the erection of 1no. dwelling with detached garage with office over, in connection with the nurseries business - amendments to previously approved scheme 137555 granted 25 May 2018 to move the dwelling further back into the plot, realignment of the proposed access and modification to the window design – Undergoing public consultation
d) 139089 – Ashwell House, Nettleham Road - Application to vary condition 2 of planning permission 137834 granted 25 July 2018-amendment to design – Undergoing public consultation – Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Canton and RESOLVED to support this application.
e) 139092 – 37 Sudbrooke Road – Planning application for single storey rear extension – to discuss and submit any comments to WLDC – Proposed Cllr Fotheringham, seconded Cllr Canton and RESOLVED to support this application.
f) 139186 – Hall Farm, West Drive – Planning application to erect agricultural storage building – Agreed by all to submit comments once the planning group have looked at the application.
64.19 Fieldpaths
a) To receive an update regarding maintenance of the village fieldpaths - None
Action: BP
65.19 Reports
a) Grange Park – to receive report
• grass seed has been broadcast in the orchard area and is starting to grow.
• The native daffodils have flowered, more are going to be purchased this year.
• A slightly altered cutting regime is being implemented to encourage more wild flower to growth.
• All the apple trees have made it through winter.
• An updated map of the area is being made.
b) Scothern Recreation Centre and Spirit of Scothern – receive update report
• Discussions held regarding the refurbishment of the village hall, as opposed to the rebuild. This is to be discussed further at next months meeting.
• No report given.
66.19 Compliance – none
67.19 Correspondence – for information only
- WLDC – Reminder to submit election papers
- LCC – 2019/20 Grass cutting contribution information
- Resident – Lack of bus stop signs and markings
- Resident – Request to plant trees along Dunholme Road
- Resident – Request for election papers
- LALC – LALC News, edition 168
- LALC – Local Councils Networking Day
- Scothern Methodist Church – Room Hire contract and fee increase notification
68.19 Next meetings
Annual Council Meeting Tuesday 7th May 2019 at 7.30pm at the Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern.
Meeting Closed – 20.40