10th July Agenda 2024

Wednesday 10th July 2024, 7.30pm
Scothern Methodist Church, Main Street, Scothern
Public participation – Members of the public may raise subjects they wish to bring to the attention of the Parish Council. Items relating to matters on the agenda will be taken first and any decisions will be made during the meeting. The time will be 15 minutes maximum unless the council decides otherwise. Listeners should note that decisions cannot be made at this meeting on items not on the agenda.
L Brooks-Sleight 
Lisa Brooks-Sleight Clerk/RFO
clerk@scothern-pc.gov.uk                                                                                                                5th July 2024


201/2024 Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies with any reasons given


202/2024 Representatives Report

To receive reports from the District & County Councillors


203/2024 Public Participation

To resolve, if necessary, to temporarily suspend the meeting for a period of no more than 15 minutes

to allow for a period of public participation. Members of the public may raise subjects, which they

wish to bring to the attention of the Parish Council. Items relating to matters on the agenda will be

taken first, and any decisions will be made when the meeting is declared opened.


204/2024 Declarations of Interest

To record declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any

requests for dispensation for any listed agenda items.


205/2024 Minutes of last Meeting

To approve & sign the notes of the June Council Meeting held on 12th June 2024 as minutes


206/2024 Chairs Report

To receive the Chairs report


207/2024 Clerks Report

To receive Clerk’s report


208/2024 Bus Survey

To receive any updates


209/2024 War Memorial Relocation

To receive any updates -  discuss & decide future actions


210/2024 Council Meeting venue

To discuss and approve the meeting venue & costs from September 2024


211/2024 Best Kept Garden

To receive any updates to discuss & approve


212/2024 Play Area

To discuss the Play Equipment Annual Inspection company with costs and approve


213/2024 Overgrown Car Park

To receive a quote to tidy up the overgrown plants/weeds and trim back the tree branches


214/2024 LALC Training Scheme

To approve any training requests by members


215/2024 Highways

To discuss and receive any issues/updates and decide future actions


216/2024 Community Speed Watch

To receive speed data report and any discuss any information


217/2024 Police

To receive any information or correspondence for discussion

NC07 Specific email 03/07/2024


218/2024 Finance

a.To approve & sign the monthly accounts for payment & the corresponding bank statements

b.To approve expected payments due in August due to no meeting



219/2024 Village

To discuss any issues & decide any future actions


220/2024 Planning

To receive any decisions & discuss applications received from WLDC -please note new planning portal


Ref: WL/2024/00419, for single storey extension to form a utility, Brookside Cottage 18 Main Street


Ref: WL/2024/00463, Planning application to remove existing conservatory to front of property

and replacement with sunroom, Apple Tree Cottage, School Cresent


Ref: WL/2024/00504, or 3no. dwellings with new access driveway and associated parking and

garaging, and replacement of existing garage to the rear of 16 Church Street.


221/2024 Correspondence for information (sent prior)

LALC Training Bulletin June 2024 28/6/24

LALC – 28/6/24 E-news 28/6/24

Town & Parish News 28/6/24


222/2024 Agenda items for next meeting and any updates/points from members


223/2024 To consider the exclusion of the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies

(Admission to meetings) Act 1960 s1 (2) due to the confidential nature of the items to be Discussed

Clerks 6-month review


To confirm the date & time of next Council meeting – 11th September 2024 at 7.30pm