6th November 2024 minutes

Minutes are in DRAFT FORM until approved at the following meeting.                                                                  



Minutes of the Meeting of Scothern Parish Council

Held in the Methodist Church, on Wednesday 6th November 2024 at 7.50pm


Present: Cllrs J Atkins, D Canton, R Creaser, J Johnson, B Patchett,  N Reyner (Chair)

In attendance: L Brooks-Sleight (clerk/RFO)   and Cllr Sue Rawlins LCC


276/2024 Apologies for Absence

Received with reason from Cllr Nicoll and accepted. Resolved


277/2024 Representatives Report

Cllr S Rawlins spoke to the council about the Devolution of Lincolnshire going ahead; the S19 Flooding investigations are very slow and a reduction in speed has been requested for the A158 Sudbrooke junction following a survey in the area in the summer.


278/2024 Public Participation

None present


279/2024 Declarations of Interest

None received


280/2024 Minutes of last Meeting

The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 9th October 2024 were approved as a true & correct record. Proposed & seconded. Resolved


281/2024 Clerks Report

Multidata - back in April of this year we were notified by several key suppliers that as the older communications technologies (Copper phone lines, ADSL, FTTC) were becoming expensive to maintain our prices would be increased. At the same time an RPI rise was incorporated just as in 2023. For some time we have absorbed the full cost of these rises but in light of further rises just announced  we are unable to continue to  do this in the long term.  Accordingly, you may notice some elements of your monthly invoice (covering the following month) will have increased by 11%.


282/2024 ‘Christmas’ in Scothern

a. Cllr Johnson suggested no entries required, all decorations will be judged -house, garden or window with a Scothern Nurseries Voucher for £25 as a prize which the council purchased last year (2 x £25 vouchers) and only one prize was given. Proposed, seconded, approved. Resolved

b. Cllr Patchett reported that The Straw Family would like to donate a Christmas Tree for the village as in previous years; he also proposed the council purchase a new set of lights due to one set being old and volunteered to organise the PAT testing of the lights. This was seconded and approved. Resolved

The Straw Family to be asked to judge the village Christmas Decoration Displays and choose the winner.

c. Elision Boulters school fayre - Friday 6th December, the council approved to switch on the lights end of November and have an official switch-on, on the 6th with Cllr Reyner saying a few words. Clerk to liaise with the head. Resolved


283/2024 Bus Service

-Prior to the meeting, PC Coaches Managing Director Steve Bryce came to speak to the council & residents about the history of the bus service for Scothern, the cost of running a bus service and a couple of options for a future service.  Residents put their views, questions, concerns and ideas to Steve. Any future service would need financial support. Steve is working with LCC with the hope of financial help of S106 funding from any future developments within Scothern and he asked the council & residents to make their voices heard via the Enhanced Partnership Board.

-Two letters received from Sir Edward Leigh who has raised inquiries to the Chief Executive at LCC about the issues and that he’d received an informative response from the Head of Transport at LCC, stating that they are looking into obtaining significant funding needed to providing a regular transport service for Scothern.

-Emails also received from a resident regarding the lack of bus service that were noted.


284/2024  Flooding Prevention/Scothern Beck

The beck was cleared by 3rd Witham Drainage Board -the end of October.

Anglian Water - Tuesday, 12th Nov, Craypool Lane/Main St junction, works are scheduled to repair the cracked pipes and intruding connections on the network. This will be 3 way traffic lights with no road closures and is expected to be completed in one day if no unforeseen circumstances arise.


285/2024 Grass Cutting/Maintenance/planters Schedule 2025

3 Tenders for the Grass/Maintenance Contract were received from Glendale £8600.50; HMT Contractors £7900; and Ian Moore Contracting £8772.50 with an offer of a 2 year contract for the same price. After a discussion, it was proposed to accept Ian Moore Contracting but for the clerk to ask if any chance of reduction in price and that the council were unsure over a 2 year deal due to not knowing the contractors work, this was seconded and approved by a vote. Resolved

Only 1 Tender received for the Village Planters, Summer £590.31 & Winter £480.33, plus window boxes free of charge, from Rudies Roots £1070.64 +vat, this was proposed, seconded and approved by a vote. Resolved


286/2024 Grant Funding 2025

Grant funding applications for 2025 were received from Scothern Recreation Centre for the grass cutting of the playing field, up to 30 cuts and from St Germains Church for the grass cutting in the churchyard. Both applications were discussed, the PC would provide the service rather than a financial grant, under the power to provide and maintain land for public recreation or contribute to Open Spaces Act 1906 ss.9-10 or s.15. Proposed & seconded and approved by a vote. Resolved


287/2024 Play Area

a. Cllr Atkins checked issues raised from the Annual Inspection report and reported that there was no dangerous equipment. Minor issues to be addressed. A quote was received from Ian Moore Contractors for £475+vat to repair   the trip hazard near the entrance gate as stated in the inspection report. This was discussed, proposed & seconded and approved. The clerk to contact SRC with the details, asking for their approval before instructing the contractor. Resolved

b. The survey for village residents – to be discussed at a future meeting


288/2024 LALC Training Scheme

No training requests from members were received


289/2024 Highways

-Northing Lane ‘footpath’ – reply received from HW, we are sorry but we are not taking immediate action with this report because historically there is no footway present leading into Northing Lane. Due to low footfall and traffic volume going into Northing Lane no immediate action is needed. However, we will monitor this and action accordingly if needed. Thank you for reporting this matter. No further action

- Highways have confirmed the road closure for Remembrance Sunday and will deliver the signage required


290/2024 Community Speed Watch

Cllr Creaser sent the speed data report prior to the meeting which was discussed.                                                               

Can the police monitor the traffic with a speed camera? Cllr Canton volunteered to enquire about this.


291/2024 Police

-Parish Council Online Engagement Session  – Tues, 14th January 2025, Cllr Canton volunteered to attend.

-Cllr Canton reported on the current crime figures for the area & Scothern.

-Police Inspector Mike Head sent a report including PC Sam Key to return back with the team for a further 3 months with the hope that it can be permanent.


292/2024 Budget 2025

The draft budget for 2025 was discussed. The clerk/RFO to update with new contractors pricing and present at the December meeting for discussion and approval.


293/2024 Precept Estimate

Following the draft budget discussion, it was approved to submit an estimated precept of £30,000 to WLDC


294/2024 Finance

The monthly accounts for payment & the corresponding bank statements were approved as a true & correct record. Cllrs Creaser and Canton were nominated to authorise the online bank payments. Proposed & seconded. Resolved

295/2024 Scothern Emergency Plan

Email received from the LRF for advice and information on the draft version. The clerk to update and return to the LRF for the next stage.


296/2024 Sudbrooke Neighbourhood Plan Review

Approved to support with no comments. Proposed & seconded. Resolved


297/2024 Village Maintenace

-Cllr Creaser had no issues to report.

-The clerk reported the notice board at the village hall – a large gap is allowing slug/snails into the board and are eating the notices. Clerk to obtain quotes to repair.


298/2024 Welcome to Scothern Leaflet

All agree to a Welcome to Scothern leaflet, to be delivered to all new residents with village information to help them settle in, along with a Scothern News. Clerk to produce for a future meeting.


299/2024 Planning

Ref: WL/2024/00726, 1st floor garage conversion/alterations. 9 Saxon Fields WLDC granted with conditions


300/2024 Correspondence for information (sent prior)

  • LALC Training Bulletin 24/10/24
  • LALC –  E-news 18/10/24 & 1/11/24
  • LCC Town & Parish October Newsletter


301/2024 Agenda items for next meeting and any updates/points from members    


302/2024 The council approved to exclude the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to

 meetings) Act 1960 s1 (2) due to the confidential nature of the items to be Discussed

Cllr S Rawlins left the meeting

Cllr Johnson presented the council with the NALC Pay Agreement 2024/25 which was proposed & seconded and approved. Resolved


The date & time of next Council meeting – 11th December 2024 at 7.30pm



The Chair closed the meeting at 9.15pm