12th June 2024 Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting of Scothern Parish Council
held in the Methodist Church, on Wednesday 12th June 2024 at 7.30pm
Present: Cllrs J Atkins, D Canton left before 182/2024, R Creaser, J Johnson, B Patchett, N Reyner (Chair)
In attendance: L Brooks-Sleight (clerk/RFO) LCC Sue Rawlins and 3 residents who all left before 169/2024
166/2024 Apologies for Absence
Received from Cllr Nicoll with reason - accepted
167/2024 Representatives Report
District Councillor Baptiste Velan sent his apologies and the following report:
- A few residents have had issues with the new planning portal, it was possible to access the new planning portal by asking your browser on your phone to request the website as a “Desktop website”. The documents are all in PDF format to download and they don’t require a MS 365 subscription if the browser can display PDF documents (or they can download any PDF reader app for free).
- Grants from ACRE are available for Village Halls: https://rsnonline.org.uk/acre-reopens-grant-applications-for-village-hall-improvements
- I have had no queries from Scothern residents.
- I have been elected as WLDC representative to Dial a Ride so if there are any queries about the service, please let me know.
- Please share the link to the CIF, https://www.west-lindsey.gov.uk/communities-safety/grants-funding/councillor-initiative-fund I’d be particularly keen to hear from residents who have projects that can benefit the community.
- I will be in Scothern on Thursday 20 June 2024 at around 10pm to attend the count of the Neighbourhood Planning Referendum as Count Observe
LCC Cllr Sue Rawlins reported:
- Highways are looking at unclassified roads, all in a terrible state.
- Flooding issues – looking at flooding in the village as a whole, all authorities need to work together, Craypool Lane – serious work required from Anglian Water to work together with Highways to get action done.
- informed the council that Highways are to look at unclassified roads as some are in a terrible state and she will be keeping the council updated on the flood reports in the village
168/2024 Public Participation
A resident voiced their concerns about the recent planning applications and wanted to make sure
the village benefits from any future developments.
Another resident spoke to the council about the old No11 bus, why they had stopped coming through
the village and maybe an idea to work with other villages to get the No11 bus back.
And a resident spoke regarding last year’s bus shelter cleaning contract.
169/2024 Declarations of Interest
None received
170/2024 Minutes of last Meeting
The minutes of the Annual Meeting & the May Council Meeting held on 8th May 2024 as
minutes were approved & signed as a true & correct record. Proposed & seconded Resolved
171/2024 Clerks Report
- Clerk attended the Effective meetings course – very informative and a good refresher course
- Scothern Neighbourhood Plan Referendum – June 20th copies of the Neighbourhood plan can be view by residents at St Germain’s Church, Methodist Church, the Village Hall & the Bottle & Glass.
- Lamp of Peace was lit at the village hall for D-Day 80th anniversary
- Lloyds Scothern Parish Council Debit card has arrived
- Parish Council Engagement Session date has been changed to Tuesday 16th July due to the General Election
- Bench on Meadow Close – report from a resident of brambles growing through – this has been cut back but not contractors’ responsibility. Homeowner behind bench, bushes all overgrown – Cllr Atkins to speak with resident
172/2024 Play Park
a.The only quote received for the repair the Chain Bridge and nest swim from Hammer & Nails for £750, this was proposed & seconded, approved. Resolved
b.The play area routine check was received – some issues requiring immediate repair/action, clerk to ask Hammer & Nails to secure springs on balance bar, and to ask grass contractor to remove nettles around entrance gate.
173/2024 Bus Shelters
a.Only one quote was received for the monthly bus shelters cleaning schedule, £80per month from E Matthews.
This was accepted, proposed seconded & approved. Clerk to email with contract until 31st March 2025 Resolved
b. An invoice from the previous cleaner was received and approved to pay due to no contract/written agreement in the past and that this was not best practice and would be resolved going forward. Proposed & seconded Resolved
174/2024 Bus Surveys
Cllr Johnson presented the data received from the bus survey that was sent out to
all households in Scothern to determine what can be done to increase usage, with
replies from 46 residents (approx. 11%). Clerk to contact Nettleham PC to arrange
a meeting to discuss a bus service and gain their support before submitting data to LCC.
175/2024 Insurance
The insurance has been updated since the May meeting, the assets register was sent to the
insurance company with assets the council required insuring and due to the renewal date of
1st June 2024, all councillors approved the quotation of £400.11 by email. Resolved
176/2024 NALC Financial Regulations 2024
To be added to the July meeting due to still updating
177/2024 Risk Assessment Policy
The policy was reviewed, recommendations noted. Proposed & seconded, approved. Resolved
178/2024 Safeguarding Policy
The policy was proposed & seconded, approved. Resolved
179/2024 Lloyds Banking
The 4 bank signatories were reviewed & approved, Cllr Canton, Creaser, Nicoll & Patchett. The clerk
to add all 4 members to the Lloyds online bank for authorisation of the monthly payments.
Proposed, seconded. Resolved
180/2024 APM report
This was attended by 10 residents, LCC Sue Rawlins, WLDC Baptiste Velan and was chaired by Cllr Neville Reyner.
The main points/issues received from residents -What can children do in the village? Nothing for the youngsters,
play park area needs updating; tennis court looks a mess & is not used; Grange Park working group – Terms of
Reference, new members, picnic benches/animal houses/nature; Speed watch volunteers required; and a
resident thanked the council for everything they do in the village.
181/2024 War Memorial Relocation
Quotes for the new footpath & hardstanding area were received from Stoneset Resin Ltd, SPGroundworks and
Wilkinsons Civils. All 3 were discussed and it was approved to accept SPGroundworks £3391.80. The clerk to send
this to St Germain’s Church PCC for there consideration and approval from the Diocese of Lincoln. Also to contact
WLDC re: grant funding cost.
182/2024 Council Meeting venue
The current contract for the meetings in the Methodist Chapel ends in August 2024. The council discussed staying
in the current venue or moving to the village hall but required more information to make their decision, clerk to
obtain this and arrange for members to view the village hall room before the next meeting in July.
183/2024 Best Kept Garden
Cllr Johnson reported on last years competition. It was approved to have the same prizes as last year, totalling £185.
Garden Containers - prize 1x £35.00, 1x £25, 1x£15 . Decorative Doorways - prize 1x £35.00, 1x £25, 1x£15
Best Overall Front Garden prize 1x£35.00 Clerk to ask for sponsorship from local businesses and the council to pay
the surplus. Also, to purchase prize vouchers from Scothern Nurseries and presented at the Garden Show.
184/2024 Grange Park
- Terms of Reference -working group members details to be updated.
- To receive the working group notes from meeting – Monday 20th May 2024 were received and noted.
185/2024 Village Flooding
No updates/reports
186/2024 LALC Training Scheme 31/5/2024
Cllr Atkins & the clerk requested approval to attend the Planning System training included LALC’s core training, this
was approved and to claim the milage costs. Resolved
187/2024 Highways
Nothing to report
188/2024 Community Speed Watch
The latest speed data report was sent prior to the meeting by Cllr Creaser and the option to turn the device around
to face traffic entering the village was discussed.
189/2024 Police
Email received with the latest report was received and noted
- NC07 Specific email 14/5/2024
190/2024 Internal Auditors Report 2023/24
The end of year report was received with comments noted for the AGAR Annual Audit.
191/2024 To approve the AGAR Annual Audit 2023/24
- Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 2023/24 was approved and signed. Resolved
- Section 2 Accounting Statement 2023/24 was approved and signed. Resolved
192/2024 Finance
- The revised 2024/25 Budget & reserves was discussed and approved Resolved
- The monthly accounts for payment & the corresponding bank statements were approved as a true & correct record. Proposed & seconded. Resolved
193/2024 Village
Nothing to report
194/2024 Office Equipment
A steel 2 drawers, lockable filing cabinet for the clerks office, from Viking Direct £45.83 ex vat was approved to
purchase. Resolved
195/2024 Emergency Plan
Meeting still to be arranged.
196/2024 Scothern News
Since the delivery of the May issue to all households in Scothern, a large number of residents have requested to
receive the monthly issues by email and 24 residents requesting printed copies. The council received information
on the income & expenditure, with £363 in the account for the Scothern News plus £1000 to be transferred (mins
192/2024a) and the cost to print each issue. After a discussion, it was approved to print 25 copies each month
from Pelican Trust- £30pm (any additional copies £1.20each) with no cost to the residents up to December 2024.
To be reviewed Nov/Dec 2024.
197/2024 Planning
To receive any decisions and discuss applications received from WLDC -please note new planning portal
Ref:148087, outline planning to erect 2 dwellings, Land adjacent 7 Main Street.withdrawn by applicant 21/05/2024
198/2024 Correspondence for information (sent prior)
- LALC Training Bulletin April 2024 31/5/24
- LALC – 19/4/24 E-news 20/5/24
- LALC Pre-election briefing 31/5/2024
- Parish News 31/5/2024
- WLDC News 31/5/2024
- Update regarding our works- Anglian Water's Strategic Pipeline 31/5/2024
- City of Lincoln News updates 4/6/2024
- Scothern Parish Grass Cutting Agreement – Contribution rate review 7/6/24
199/2024 Agenda items for next meeting and any updates/points from members
- Clerks 6month review
- Meeting venue
200/2024 To consider the exclusion of the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to
meetings) Act 1960 s1 (2) due to the confidential nature of the items to be Discussed not required
The date & time of next Council meeting – 10th July 2024 at 7.30pm at the Methodist Church
The Chair closed the meeting at 9.25pm