9 April 2024 Minutes
Minutes are in DRAFT FORM until approved at the following meeting.
Minutes of the Meeting of Scothern Parish Council
held in the Methodist Church, on Tuesday 9th April 2024 at 7.30pm
Present: Cllrs J Atkins, D Canton, R Creaser, J Johnson, C J Nicoll, B Patchett, N Reyner (Chair)
In attendance: L Brooks-Sleight (clerk/RFO)
WLDC Cllr B Velan and 2 residents (1 for all the meeting, 1 arrived at item 102/2024)
93/2024 To Elect a Chair
Cllr Reyner was proposed and seconded; Cllr Nicoll abstained from voting. Acceptance of Office signed. Resolved
94/2024 To Elect a Vice not required
95/2024 Apologies for Absence
None received, all present
96/2024 Representatives Report
Cllr Velan reported -all emails and phone calls I received from Scothern residents who have
been affected by flooding reported to WLDC officers, and is confident that they were discussed
with LCC. I reached out to the County Councillor, but I haven't received a reply yet.
WLDC officers hold regular meetings with officers from the County Council Lead Local Flood
Authority & Highways teams, the work in the area is ongoing and they will keep me updated.
A meeting with the Emergency Planning and Business Continuity Officer at LCC, discussed
the benefits of setting up a Community Emergency Plan for Scothern. The plan requires a
minimum of three volunteers, who would have direct access to emergency contacts 24/7,
the ability to identify vulnerable residents who require specific support. Volunteers would
receive free training, emergency exercises, and a kit worth £300 (including radios, hi-vis vests,
and other equipment). An emergency plan needs to be completed and reviewed Annually,
hopefully volunteers can be found as it would be a great benefit to the Parish Council and its
residents in the event of emergencies, such as flooding.
97/2024 Public Participation - meeting suspended at 7.37pm
A resident said they were wanting to hear the councils views on flooding, planning and speed, had
concerns over the current planning applications – single access, flooding & number of dwellings.
98/2024 Declarations of Interest - meeting re-opened at 7.40pm
None received
99/2024 Minutes of last Meeting
The minutes of the Council Meeting held on 13th March 2024 were approved & signed as a true &
correct record. Resolved
100/2024 Clerks Report
- Email sent to Welton PC, thanking them for the play inspections over the years and notified them that no longer required. Reply received - thank you for letting them know, and nothing outstanding
- Parking issues – Sudbrooke Rd both ends. PC Sam Keys will patrol
- Email received with the information on the Parish Agreement Scheme with Highways, the contribution rate for 2024-25 is £1255.17, based on a total area of 11954m2.
- The grant application for the war memorial footpath was unsuccessful due to a large number of applications received
- LIVES- thank you for the generous donation of £100 received following the CPR Training session.
- Email received - informed of Anti-social behaviour on Grange Park and a vehicle on the cricket pitch. PC Sam Keys informed and will increase patrols in the area
101/2024 Assets Register
Asset register completed, approved with a value of £47,893.08. Proposed & seconded Resolved
102/2024 Memorials Policy
The memorial benches & trees policy was discussed, will be updated & added to May agenda
103/2024 Bus Shelters
The 2024/25 cleaning schedule was discussed with a weekly sweeping schedule. Clerk to advertise
and obtain quotes for the next meeting
104/2024 War Memorial
Cllr Johnson updated the council on a site meeting at St Germain’s (3 councillors & the clerk
with PCC representatives). A Project Plan produced & circulated prior was received by the council.
Once specification of requirement received, clerk to obtain quotes for the footpath, possibly for
May/June meeting.
105/2024 Bus Survey
Bus survey circulated prior to meeting, a few alterations to make and ready to print for distribution to all residents
106/2024 Scothern News
The working group notes were received & discussed. It was approved to print and distribute the May
edition of Scothern News to all residents, asking who would like to receive a copy monthly. Printing
quotes received, approved Pelican Trust at £230 for 450 copies. Printed copies to be distributed
after the May meeting.
107/2024 Village Flooding
Cllr Velan updated the council in his report.
Email received from 3rd Witham Drainage Board- only have the capacity for 1 cut per year, anyone
adjacent to the beck may undertake extra maintenance. Also, email from AW- they are happy to have
a joint meeting with other authorities.
Sand & sandbags – Cllr Patchett still obtaining quantities required at the hub.
Emails from residents were circulated prior to meeting and passed to Cllr Rawlins & Velan
108/2024 LALC Training Scheme
Cllr Reyner & Nicoll requested approval to attend the LALC Annual Conference with a cost of £40 per
delegate – approved. The clerk requested approval for online attendance – Effective Meetings on
16th May – approved. Resolved
Cllr Atkins interested in any training on Planning- clerk to enquire.
109/2024 Grange Park Working Group
Notes received from the working group meeting on 18th March 2024 were noted with a letter from 2
members were noted, clerk sent letters to invite the members to the APM for the council to discuss
the working group, Terms of Reference and the decisions made.
110/2024 Highways
Emergency Road closure notice – AW burst main on Church St, 9/4/24 – 15/4/24
111/2024 Community Speed Watch
Speed data report circulated prior, and speed watch will return when the weather warms up.
112/2024 Police
No report received by email this month, Cllr Canton read a recent report and will enquire as to why
report wasn’t received by email.
Cllr Johnson left the meeting
113/2024 Finance
The monthly accounts for payments & the corresponding bank statements were approved as a true &
correct record. Proposed & seconded. Resolved
Payee |
Nett |
Gross |
03.04.24 |
Annual Subs mins 52/2024a |
259.96 |
03.04.24 |
Annual Training Scheme mins 52/2024b |
125.00 |
25.00 |
150.00 |
08.04.24 |
DD |
Tesco Mobile |
DD clerk’s mobile - April |
6.25 |
1.25 |
7.50 |
12.04.24 |
Multidata |
Broadband – Scothern Village Hall – April invoice |
47.94 |
12.04.24 |
Springbok |
MS 365 subs/Exchange server subs –month April |
41.65 |
8.30 |
49.95 |
12.04.24 |
L Brooks-Sleight |
D Day Lamp of Peace mins55/2024 |
55.00 |
12.04.24 |
690.68 |
12.04.24 |
Glendale |
Grass contractor |
555.43 |
111.09 |
666.52 |
12.04.24 |
J Fotheringham |
Repair/repo. Sml NB Grange Pk mins49/2024a |
218.00 |
12.04.24 |
J Fotheringham |
4x supply/install tree pro. Grange Pk mins48/2024c |
244.00 |
114/2024 Village Maintenance
Cllr Nicoll – public footpath from Church St to Grange Pk needs fixing. Clerk to report on Fix my
115/2024 Planning
To receive any decisions and discuss applications received from WLDC
Ref:147800 for single storey extension Stonefield House 10 Main Street Scothern
WLDC 20/2/24 Granted time limit plus conditions
Ref:147978, Application for non-material amendment to planning permission 147640 granted 19
January 2024 – relocation of window, Land Adjacent to, Stonefield House, Main Street, Scothern,
WLDC Granted without conditions 8/3/24
Ref:147988, Hybrid planning application comprising of: Outline planning application for the erection
of up to 53no. dwellings with access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications;
and, full planning application for erection of boundary wall and new driveway associated with No.36
St Germains Way. Land south west of, Dunholme Road, Scothern.
The council discussed the application – it’s part of The Central Lincolnshire Local Plan & Scothern
Neighbourhood Plan, the land is designated. The councils approved comments on the application
to WLDC – The village has suffered from severe flooding in recent months and recommend that no
work should start until water/flooding issues are resolved. Anglian Water have issued a statement &
report on the application on the used water/surface water disposal for the application - Scothern
Parish Council agree with the Anglian Water statement. And for the application of up to 53 dwellings
- how will the roads cope with the extra traffic, parking spaces are limited – additional parking
spaces are required to prevent on street parking issues.
Ref:148087, Outline planning to erect 2no dwellings, land adjacent 7 Main St
The councils comments on the application – no objections or comments to make
116/2024 Correspondence for information (sent prior)
- LALC – 22/3/24 E-news 25/3/24
- LCC Town and Parish Council Newsletter March 2024 26/3/24
- WLDC Parish News 26/3/24
117/2024 Agenda items for next meeting and any updates/points from members
(to be received by 1st May 2024)
118/2024 To consider the exclusion of the public and press in accordance with the Public Bodies
(Admission to meetings) Act 1960 s1 (2) due to the confidential nature of the items to be Discussed
not required
The date & time of next meeting was confirmed – 8th May 2024 at 7.30pm Annual meeting of the Council followed by the May meeting
The Chair closed the meeting at 9.15pm