Parish council Clips - February 2023

The following is a summary of the Scothern Parish Council meeting held on 8th February 2023. All seven councillors were present.

District Councillor Report
West Lindsey District Councillor Robert Waller presented a report to the Council, he reminded Councillors of the Government changes regarding public voting and that  photographic ID will be needed to vote in person at elections in May 2023. WLDC website gives details for anyone not having acceptable ID.  

Vehicle Activated Speed Signs
The Parish Council receives a monthly report of readings taken from the three speed signs located in the village. This report provides information on the number of vehicles coming into the village and the number of vehicles going out of the village recorded by each individual sign. The report also provides details of the percentage of vehicles maintaining the speed limit and the numbers exceeding the speed limit. Unfortunately, there are still some high speed readings recorded each month. This information will be available on the Parish Council Website.

Bus Services for Scothern
The Parish Council is still continuing to seek to improve the provision of bus services for Scothern. The Parish Council will be holding a public meeting as soon as possible and seeking to engage with Lincolnshire County Council, West Lindsey District Council and relevant Bus companies to attend. As soon as a date is confirmed this will be advertised on the Parish Council website, Noticeboards and on the Parish Council Facebook page.

King Charles III Coronation Celebrations
The Parish Council is looking to work collaboratively with Scothern Recreation Centre to plan a community event to celebrate the Coronation of Charles III.  More details to made available in the future.

Planning Matters
a)    Planning Inspectorate Appeal Ref: APP/N2535/W/22/3306219.
144213 - Land to rear of Weir Farm Paddock, Scothern.Outline planning application to erect up to 36no. dwellings - access to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications – decision awaited from Planning Inspectorate which could take up to six months or more.           

b)    146177 - Planning application for extension to detached garage – 17 Saint Germain’s Way, Scothern 

All Planning Applications can be viewed on West Lindsey District Council’s website by use of their application tracker; and comments on individual applications can also be made.

Council Contact Details
Please contact, Parish Council via email at 
Next meeting
The next full Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 8th March 2023 following the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30 p.m. in the Methodist Church. The agenda and minutes are available from the website.